In this paper, the relationship between soil physical properties and crop growth is discussed. Soil moisture energy characteristics can be changed by mechanical disturbance, which is the main reason leading to soil adhesion. Paddy soil water content and effective water are topsoil high, and the lower the lower, water content and bulk density into a linear negative correlation (n = 62, r = -0.909 ~ (**)). Soil disturbance can increase the water holding capacity. During the years of no-tillage, the shortage of water may occur in drought years. Changes in soil moisture content, gas volume and mechanical strength are interrelated. The optimum range of wheat growth determined by three factors is within the range of 0.02-0.5 bar of water suction, while the field capacity is greater than the plastic limit, so tillage in autumn inevitably leads to soil sticking. The bulk density of no-till soil is generally between 1-1.25g / cm_3, which is a better environment for the growth of rice and wheat. Therefore, the paddy soil itself has the suitable conditions for no-tillage of rice and wheat. According to the comparative experiments of 52 and 23 groups of rice and three wheat, the no-till rice yield increased by 19 kg / mu and 49 kg / mu of three wheat reached the extremely significant level (p = 0.01). Hirata area for three consecutive years no-tillage soil does not worsen, cystic water-soil began to have the second year of decline, but the yield does not decrease. Tillage has the role of protecting soil structure, but not conducive to structural development.