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沈如东,1956年出生于上海,中国电影家协会会员、中国动画学会会员、上海电影家协会理事、上海美术电影制片厂导演、一级舞美设计师,吉林动画学院专家级教授。1973年进上海美术电影制片厂30多年间共创60余部集动画片。曾为《南郭先生》、《水鹿》、《葫芦兄弟》、《宝莲灯》等动画片做动作设计,执导了影院动画片《白雪公主与青蛙王子》、系列动画片《十二生肖》、《聪明的笨小猪》、《魔鬼芯片》等。作品曾获国务院文化部“华表奖”、中国电视“金鹰奖”、中国儿童少年电影“童牛奖”、埃及开罗国际儿童电影节“铜奖”等10余项国内外奖项。“我从小喜欢动手制作,父亲也很支持我,抽空还让我学习了摄影、 Shen Ruodong was born in Shanghai in 1956, a member of China Film Association, a member of China Animation Association, a director of Shanghai Film Association, a director of Shanghai Art Film Studio, an avant-garde designer and an expert professor of Jilin Animation Institute. 1973 into the Shanghai art film studio 30 years to create more than 60 sets of animation. For the ”Mr. Namo“, ”sambar“, ”gourd brothers“, ”Lotus Lantern“ and other animation to do the action design, directed the cinema animation ”Snow White and the Frog Prince“ series cartoon ”Zodiac“ , ”Smart stupid pig“, ”Devil Chip“ and so on. His works have won more than 10 awards such as the ”Huabiao Award“ of the Ministry of Culture under the State Council, the Golden Eagle Award of China Television, the Children’s Film of China, the ”Beef Cattle Award“, the International Children’s Film Festival in Cairo, Egypt, and the ”Bronze Award“ Domestic and international awards. ”I grew up like hands-on production, my father is also very supportive, taking the time also let me learn photography,
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