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目前的一般看法是,商品经济与市场经济是两个既有联系又有区别的概念。问题在于如何联系和区别。在这个问题上的一种流行的观点,是把市场经济看成是商品经济的更高的发展形态,认为市场经济必然是商品经济,而商品经济不一定是市场经济。笔者的看法则与此有所不同。 第一,商品经济与市场经济是有所交叉但又各有侧重的两个概念,是对同一经济形态的侧重于不同层次的反映。这个经济形态(可把它叫做商品经济形态或者交换经济形态或者货币经济形态)的基本属性是:从微 The current general view is that the commodity economy and the market economy are two concepts that are both connected and distinct. The question is how to connect and differentiate. A popular view on this issue is to regard the market economy as a higher form of development of the commodity economy. It is assumed that the market economy is necessarily a commodity economy, and the commodity economy is not necessarily a market economy. The author's view is different from this. First, the two concepts that the commodity economy and the market economy have overlapping but different emphases are the ones that focus on different levels of reflection on the same economic form. The basic attributes of this economic form (which can be called commodity economy or exchange economic form or monetary economic form) are:
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