中国乘用车企业走向国际市场所需的“拐棍”再访美国Exhibit Works公司副总裁杰瑞·科恩先生

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在北美车展的福特展区充满着全球化气息,因为除了福特北美3大品牌外,日本马自达、英国陆虎、阿斯顿马丁、美洲豹、瑞典沃尔沃悉数登场,带来品牌风尚的宛转起伏,使展区更加凸现美仑美奂。但是很难让人联想到如此显派的福特的展会设计与工程承包商与首次参加本届北美车展的中国吉利汽车在 COBO会展中心底层廊道辟有装饰极其朴素的“缩微”展区有何关联,其实这一大一小反差极大的展区设计都是“师出同门”,出自美国的会展设计工程业的“巨头”——Exhibit Works的手笔。不仅如此,EWI 市场与传播总监还带笔者穿行展览大厅,从他们传统展会客户三菱汽车、现代汽车等展区停留介绍,看来EWI是大小客户一个都不放过。公司创始人和总裁席卓茗先生亲自带领记者从充满艺术气氛的创意设计部门一直看到制作展具模块组件等大型车间,然后进行公司介绍。从公司、产品、客户、市场环节亲眼目睹确实给人留下深刻印象,感知跨国型的专业公司是怎样做强做大的。时隔两个月后,EWI负责国际业务开发部的副总裁杰瑞?科恩先生来上海出差时,在风雨之夜笔者就意犹未尽的一些问题与科恩先生彼此畅谈了两个多小时,特整理要点供行业人士分享。因为中国开始出现乘用车出口的势头,参与国际车展如同买进入重要国际市场的门票,如何进行参展以及这样选择有实力的服务商,这些都是走向国际市场中的许多必修课之一。——钟师手记 Ford Pavilion at the North American Auto Show is full of global flavor, because in addition to the three major Ford North American brands, Japan’s Mazda, Land Rover, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Sweden, Volvo, all debut, bring the brand of fashion Wandering ups and downs, so that The exhibition area is more beautiful and splendid. However, it is difficult to recall how the show’s Ford design and engineering contractors have been associated with the first “austere” decoration on the ground floor gallery at the COBO Convention Center In fact, the large and small exhibition area of ​​great contrast design are “out of the same door,” from the United States exhibition design engineering industry “giant” --Exhibit Works handwriting. Not only that, EWI director of marketing and communications with the author also walk through the exhibition hall, from their traditional exhibition customers Mitsubishi Motors, Hyundai Motor and other booths stay introduced, it seems EWI is the size of a customer are spared. The founder and president of the company, Mr. Zhuo Ming-ming, personally led the reporter from the creative design department full of artistic atmosphere to seeing the production of large-scale workshops such as exhibition module components and then to introduce the company. From the company, product, customer, market witnessed the really impressive, the perceived multinationals how to become bigger and stronger professional companies. Two months later, when Jerry Cohen, EWI’s vice president for international business development, was on a business trip to Shanghai, I talked with Mr. Cohn for more than two hours on an unforgettable night on the stormy night. For the industry to share. Because China is beginning to show the momentum of passenger car exports, attending international auto shows as buying tickets to key international markets, exhibiting and selecting powerful service providers are among the many compulsory courses going on to international markets. - Bell division notes
1 临床资料病例 1,某女 ,6 3岁 ,生育 2子 2女 ,大便困难 1年 ,加重半年。 3~ 4d大便 1次 ,大便干 ,排便困难 ,需手按下腹协助排便 ,无直肠脱出肛外。x ray排粪检查 :肛上距 4 0mm ,