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理论依据“美育的实施过程是一个多元复杂的过程。当我们看到一件最著名的古代书法杰作时,我们首先是被感动,被征服,我们也许还会联想到书法家在创作时的背景,他笔下精彩叠出需要多大毅力,花费了多少年的精力与心血,并从中悟出一些并非直接从形式上获得有益启示来。美育的陶冶还在于审美对象所包含的品质、素养、意志、象征、启迪等内蕴部分也足以为接受者所感受并理解。” Theoretical Basis "The process of aesthetic education is a complex and complicated process. When we see one of the most famous ancient calligraphy masterpieces, we are touched and conquered first, and we may also think of calligraphers at the time of their creation Background, how much perseverance he needs in his writing, how many years of effort and effort he spends, and from which he can realize that he does not directly obtain useful enlightenment from the form. The cultivation of aesthetic education lies in the quality, accomplishment and will of the aesthetic object , Symbolic, enlightenment and other intrinsic part is enough for the recipient to feel and understand.
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