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BNS是一种光温敏型小麦不育新类型,具有不育彻底、育性转换稳定等特性,对小麦杂种优势研究有重要价值。为研究内源激素在BNS育性调控中的作用,以秋播与春播BNS花粉发育的四分体期至三核期4个关键时期幼穗为实验材料,采用间接酶联免疫(ELISA)法分别测定了BNS不育和可育幼穗中生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA3)和玉米素核苷(ZR)4种内源激素的含量变化。结果显示:(1)BNS在陕西关中地区正常秋播雄性不育、早春播雄性育性正常。(2)单核期和三核期是BNS温度敏感期,单核期均温高于15.35℃、三核期均温高于18.64℃时,BNS育性发生转换,雄性不育度随温度升高逐渐降低。(3)BNS在敏感期响应外界温度,4种内源激素的含量发生显著变化,调控育性表达;单核期不育幼穗中IAA、GA3和ZR含量比可育幼穗低21.9%、33.6%和30.2%,ABA含量反而增加23.4%;三核期不育幼穗ABA和ZR含量分别比可育幼穗高59.7%和31.4%,GA3则低44.0%。(4)与雄性可育幼穗相比,BNS雄性不育幼穗在单核期的IAA/GA3、ABA/GA3值偏高;二核期IAA/ABA值较低;三核期的IAA/GA3、ABA/GA3值较高,IAA/ABA值偏低。3个时期的IAA、ABA和GA3比例失调,阻碍了小孢子正常发育,导致BNS雄性败育。研究认为:BNS在花粉发育的单核期和三核期对外界温度变化敏感,通过内源激素代谢调控自身育性转换。 BNS is a new type of photo-thermo-sensitive wheat, which has the characteristics of sterility thorough transformation and stable fertility transformation, and is of great value to wheat heterosis research. In order to study the role of endogenous hormones in the regulation of fertility in BNS, young panicles from four stages of tetrasodium to trinucleate phases of autumn and spring sowing BNS pollen were used as experimental materials, and indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) The contents of four endogenous hormones including IAA, ABA, GA3 and ZR in sterile and fertile young BNS were determined. The results showed that: (1) BNS normally sowed male sterile in the Guanzhong area of ​​Shaanxi Province and sowed in early spring. (2) The mononuclear and trinuclear phases were BNS temperature-sensitive phase, the average single-nucleus temperature was higher than 15.35 ℃, the average trans-nuclear temperature was higher than 18.64 ℃, BNS fertility changed, the male sterility increased with temperature High gradually decreased. (3) During the sensitive period, BNS significantly changed the contents of four endogenous hormones and regulated the fertility expression. The IAA, GA3 and ZR contents in the young-sterile spikelets were 21.9% lower than those in the young spikelets, 33.6% and 30.2% respectively, while ABA content increased by 23.4%. The ABA and ZR contents of the young spikelets were 59.7% and 31.4% higher than those of the fertile spikelets and 44.0% lower than the GA3 spikelets respectively. (4) The IAA / GA3 and ABA / GA3 values ​​of male sterile BNS were higher than those of male fertile spikelets at the first and second nucleus, while IAA / GA3, higher ABA / GA3 values ​​and lower IAA / ABA values. The imbalance of IAA, ABA and GA3 in the three periods hindered the normal development of microspores and resulted in male abortion of BNS. It is concluded that BNS is sensitive to changes in temperature in the mononuclear and trinuclear pollen development stages and regulates its fertility through endogenous hormone metabolism.
会识别串联电路和并联电路是学习电路连接和电路计算的基础。电路的识别要抓住串联电路和并联电路的特征,不能单从电路的形状上识别,下面介绍五种电路识别常用的方法: It wi
8个洋娃娃    许微蓝的橱窗里有8个洋娃娃,按顺序整齐地排着,它们可爱地微笑着,一个个都那么像美丽的公主。许微蓝在它们面前总是像个灰姑娘一般,它们穿那么鲜艳多彩的衣服,而自己总是穿着朴素的校服。有哪个青春期的姑娘不喜欢穿漂亮的衣服呢?  妈妈说女孩子心思要用在学习上,不能打扮得花枝招展。  许微蓝就沉默地点头。看着那些橱窗里的娃娃,她觉得懊恼极了。  那8个洋娃娃是一个叫陈子寒的男生送给她的。从
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