The effect of antisense c-fos oligodeoxynucleotides (antisense c-fosODN) on hCG-induced progesterone (P) and estradiol (E2) production of luteinized corpus luteum was studied by in vitro incubation of rat luteal cells. The effects of exogenous cAMP and the calcium channel blocker Verapamil on c-fos protein in luteal cells were also observed. The results showed that antisense c-fosODN could inhibit hCG-induced luteal P and E2 production in a dose-dependent manner, and at the same time, the percentage of luteal cells that were positive for c-fos protein staining was decreased. There was no corresponding effect of nonsense tatODN. The 10-4mol/L dibutyryl cAMP can significantly enhance the stimulation of hCG on P and E2 production, and significantly increase the percentage of luteal cells positive for c-fos protein staining; when combined with antisense c-fosODN, it can significantly Reverse the inhibitory effect of antisense c-fosODN on P, E2 production and c-fos expression. 10 to 6 mol/L verapamil significantly inhibited hCG-induced P and E2 production, while decreasing the percentage of luteal cells positive for c-fos protein staining; when co-acting with antisense c-fosODN, antisense c-fosODN has a synergistic effect on the inhibition of P, E2 production and c-fos expression. It was shown that c-fos is closely related to the production of progesterone and estradiol by luteinized cells induced by hCG; cAMP and Ca2+ can regulate the expression of c-fos in luteal cells.