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目的进一步加强免疫规划规范化管理,切实改进工作中的薄弱环节并解决突出问题,提高规范化、精细化管理水平,丰富和完善新疆免疫规划管理工作。方法采用理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法。结果全疆免疫规划规范化管理专项整治初见成效,全疆预防接种服务单位均有不同程度的增加及网络服务模式的改变,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=47.76,P<0.001),其中城镇社区卫生服务中心/站累计报告新增178个,农牧区以集中接种为主的村级接种点累计报告新增1 579个,农牧区至少每半月开展一次接种活动的村级接种点累计报告新增2 112个;全疆从事预防接种的人员共有18 110人,其中包括执业医师1 049人、执业助理医师903人、护士5 114人、乡村医生11 044人,县、乡和村级卫生机构从事预防接种人员的构成差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5 649.23,P<0.001),其中县、乡级人员构成主要以护士为主,村级人员构成主要以乡村医生为主;2015年全疆入托入学查验证工作较2014年有所提高,漏证和漏种率均有不同程度的降低,但全疆免疫规划基础性管理工作仍有待加强,规范化管理水平较低,部分地区常规免疫服务网络不健全,服务能力不足,存在一定免疫空白人群。结论应继续在全疆范围内开展免疫规划规范化管理专项整治活动,并围绕“责任明确、底数清楚、数据真实、管理规范、保障有力、效果明显”几方面梳理和整改问题。 Objective To further strengthen the standardized management of immunization programs, effectively improve the weak links in the work and solve outstanding problems, improve the standardization and meticulous management, and enrich and improve the immunization program management in Xinjiang. Methods using theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of a combination of methods. Results The special rectification of immunization program in Xinjiang had achieved initial success. There were varying degrees of increase in vaccination service providers and network service patterns in Xinjiang, with statistically significant differences (χ ~ 2 = 47.76, P <0.001), of which, A total of 178 newly-added community-based health service centers / stations in cities and towns have been newly reported. 1,557 new village-level vaccination-cum-vaccination-cum-site cumulative reports have been added in the pastoral areas, and the village-level inoculation sites There were totally 2,110 new vaccinations in Xinjiang, including 1,049 licensed doctors, 903 practicing assistant doctors, 5,114 nurses and 11,044 village doctors, and counties, townships and villages There were significant differences in the composition of vaccination staff at the level of health institutions (χ ~ 2 = 5 649.23, P <0.001), among which the composition of county and township level mainly consisted mainly of nurses, and the village level mainly consisted mainly of village doctors ; In 2015, enrollment verification of Xinjiang Enrollment in Xinjiang increased from 2014, but the number of missing certificates and leakage rates decreased to some extent. However, the basic management of immunization planning in Xinjiang still needs to be strengthened and the standardized management level is low. In part Area often Immunization services network is not perfect, inadequate service capabilities, there is a certain immunity gap crowd. Conclusions We should continue to carry out special rectification activities for standardization of immunization programs in Xinjiang and focus on combing and rectifying issues on the basis of “clear responsibility, clear bottom, clear data, strong management, and effective results”.