
来源 :棉花学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pennyboys
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单位面积铃数、单铃重和衣分是构成棉花产量的三个重要因素。单位面积铃数对创“150”(公顷2250kg,后同)产量的贡献率最大,单铃重和衣分次之。偏相关分析表明,单位面积铃数与单铃重和衣分呈极显著的负相关。增加单位面积铃数与提高单铃重和衣分是创“150”高产的不同主攻方向。主攻单位面积铃数时,实收密度不得低于4.65万株·hm-2。选用高铃重高衣分优良品种,创高产的风险性较小。创高产群体要求生物学产量稳定在15t·hm-2以上,子棉经济系数稳定在0.383以上。 The number of bolls per unit area, the single boll weight and the coat size are the three important factors that make up the cotton yield. The number of bolls per unit area of ​​the largest “150” (hectare 2250kg, the same after) the largest contribution to the yield, single boll weight and clothing sub-second. Partial correlation analysis showed that bolls per unit area had a significant negative correlation with boll weight and lint percentage. Increase the number of bells per unit area and improve the single boll weight and clothing points is a “150” high yield different main directions. When the main unit area bells, the actual receiving density shall not be less than 46,500 units · hm-2. Selection of high bell weight and high quality clothing sub-varieties, low-risk hit a high yield. A high-yielding population requires biological yield stable at 15t · hm-2 above, economic coefficient of sub-cotton stable at 0.383 or more.
该文提出了一种基于形状分析法来识别行驶车辆牌照上数字的新方法。首先根据数字的拓扑特性进行粗分类,再利用R变换根据数字的外轮廓形状进行细分 类。细分类中,将外轮廓的方向