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有一种叫做“露八分”语言曾流传于内蒙古包头市九原区哈业胡同镇,该语言有着固定的发音规律,提示这种规律或许对汉语语言的研究有着某种特别的意义。 There is a language called “Lu eight points” language has been circulating in Inner Mongolia Baotou City Jiuyuan Ha Hutong town, the language has a fixed pronunciation rules, suggesting that this law may have some special significance for the study of Chinese language.
The ground-state and lowest excited-state binding energies of a hydrogenic impurity in GaAs parabolicquantum-well wires(QWWs)subjected to external electric and
This paper presents the anisotropic optical feedback of a single frequency intra-cavity He-Ne laser.A novel phenomenon was discovered that the laser output an e
Hole-net structure silicon is fabricated by laser irradiation and annealing,on which a photoluminescence (PL) band in a the region of 650–750 nm is pinned and
This paper considers the frequency-quadrupling three-cavity gyroklystrons with successive frequency-doubling in each cavity.The cavities of 225 GHz frequency-qu
High quality Ge was epitaxially grown on Si using ultrahigh vacuum/chemical vapor deposition (UHV/CVD). This paper demonstrates effcient germanium-on-silicon p-
This paper investigates the infrared absorption spectra of oxygen-related complexes in silicon crystals irradiated with electron(1.5MeV) at 360 K.Two groups of
This paper investigates the behaviour of the reverse-bias leakage current of the Schottky diode with a thin Al inserting layer inserted between Al0.245Ga0.755 N
两年举办一次的国际速记联合会大会及速录大赛于2011年7月10日至15日在法国巴黎举行。我国派出17名选手参加速录大赛,共获得7项冠军、3项亚军和8项季军。 The two-year Inte