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  Chinese artist Wu Weishan created a bronze statue of Karl Marx which was gifted to the German philosopher’s hometown by China in celebration of the 200th anniversary of his birth.
  “It is a great honor for me to have created the statue of the great thinker and to witness its unveiling in his birthplace,” said Wu, who is also director of the National Art Museum of China.
  Wu is a renowned sculptor whose works include statues of Laozi and Confucius, who were both great philosophers during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.).
  The statue was unveiled on May 5, Marx’s birthday, and erected in the center of Trier, a southwestern German city near the Luxembourg border.
  At a height of 5.5 meters, the 2.3-ton statue depicts a thoughtful but towering Marx holding a book in his left hand and looking straight ahead.
  Better Management Of Scrapped Cars
  Legal Daily May 4
  By the end of 2017, China’s population collectively owned 217 million automobiles, implying an everincreasing number of scrapped cars. The number of scrapped cars for 2018 is expected to hit 9.07 million. Where are all these old cars going? Less than 30 percent are sent to formal companies for disassembly, with most ending up on the black market and back on the roads following renovation, increasing the incidence of traffic accidents.
  According to regulations, once automobiles have traveled for 600,000 km, they should be scrapped. Major parts like engines and steering gear must not be used again and should instead be recycled as waste metal.
  Why is the rate of legally scrapped cars so low? If owners get rid of their cars through normal channels, they receive just 200-300 yuan($31-47) and have to drive the car to the site themselves. This paltry reimbursement barely covers the gas required to drive the vehicles or have them towed to the designated place. However, on the black market, steering gear alone can fetch at least 500 yuan ($79), while a high-quality engine can bring in 50,000 to 60,000 yuan ($7,900-9,400).
  Legal car-recycling businesses are mired in economic diffi culty, unable to benefi t from old auto parts while government subsidies remain insuffi cient or absent altogether.
  It is therefore necessary to raise the remuneration for car owners who take their cars to formal car-recycling agencies, while these companies themselves should also be more generously subsidized. Meanwhile, car owners should be warned against selling their cars on the black market as engines and steering gear have vehicle identifi cation numbers unique to every car, and owners can be traced through them. Car-recycling companies involved in illegal business must be severely punished. All these measures will help to remove the ticking time bomb of renovated cars on China’s roads.   The Value of Openness
  South Reviews April 25-May 8
  In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, due to openness, world markets and various factors were connected. Nations and economies were thus no longer fettered by the limits of their resources. The miracle of industrialization was created.
  In the second half of the 20th century, the global production chain was reorganized and redistributed. The importance of openness became valued even more. China’s great achievements of reform and opening up have also benefited from openness. The country is able to make the most of external dynamics, and together with its own economic endowments such as human resources, wisdom and a huge domestic market, manages to sustain growth that has lasted for four decades. It is because of openness that China has successfully overcome a scarcity of resources and gained confi dence in today’s industrial and commercial civilization.
  Despite some headwinds, the value of openness is still cherished by the majority. As the second largest economy in the world, and one which has long relied on openness, China is embarking on a new phase of reform and opening up. Not only will this enable China to better shoulder its responsibilities as a world power to champion free competition in the global market, but it is also a strategic choice to transform the country’s own economic structure and governance.
  Openness is not simply a matter of expediency, but a long-term strategy for China’s revitalization.
  A Boost to Cancer Patients
  Guangming Daily May 7
  Since May 1 cancer medication imported into China has been tariff-free, which is expected to contribute to a sharp drop in the price of such drugs in China while tackling problems of quality and legality with cancer medication bought from overseas via the Internet.
  The purpose of drugs is to save people’s life, and they are not equivalent to other commodities. When drug regulations contradict this objective, adjustments are necessary.
  According to a report released by the National Cancer Center, each year the country witnesses 4.29 million new cancer cases. China’s newly added cancer cases and cancer-related deaths account for 22 percent and 27 percent of the world’s respective totals. There is a huge demand in China for anti-cancer drugs and yet the country is not providing enough quality medicine to its cancer patients.
  Cancer is a diffi cult disease to fi ght. How to effectively combat it while dramatically cutting the cost of medication is crucial for success in the battle against cancer. Abolishing tariffs on the importation of cancer drugs is an important step, but more work still needs to be done to help patients.   LIFE SENTENCE FOR FORMER CHONGQING PARTY CHIEF
  un Zhengcai, former Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes worth over 170 million yuan ($26.7 million). He was also a former member of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee.
  The sentence was announced on May 8, by the First Intermediate People’s Court of Tianjin Municipality.
  The court found that between 2002 and 2017, Sun took advantage of various posts to help certain units and individuals in project bidding, project approval, enterprise operation and personnel promotion. He accepted money and property either by himself or with “certain affi liated persons.”
  Sun held various posts including Standing Committee member and secretary general of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee from 2002 to 2006, agriculture minister from 2006 to 2009, and secretary of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee from 2009 to 2012.
  “Foreign enterprises operating in China should respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, abide by Chinese laws and respect the Chinese people’s sensibilities.”
  Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang, in response to a U.S. statement released on May 5, which objected to China’s requirement that foreign companies stop listing Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as “countries” on their websites and promotional materials
  “As China enters its new era, new types of disputes are emerging, calling for higher requirements for mediators in terms of quality and skills.”
  Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua at a conference on mediation in Wenzhou, east China’s Zhejiang Province, on May 10
  “With intensified globalization and more frequent international exchanges, cargo and mailed parcels have increased rapidly, posing great challenges to ensuring biosafety while allowing swift entry of goods.”
  Zhu Shuifang, a senior researcher with the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, in response to the General Administration of Customs’ recent pledge to take more measures to tighten supervision on the illegal entry of alien species, on May 9
  “I think it’s been an inspiration to many other countries, especially in the region, to open their doors and their economies because China has demonstrated in the last 40 years that if you engage with the rest of the world in a constructive manner you can see remarkable economic results.”
  Andrew Robb, former Australian Minister for Trade and Investment, in a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency
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