今年“五一”长假刚结束,统计部门的数据和媒体的报道令人振奋,旅游火爆,商场热闹,老百姓口袋里的钱大把大把地往外掏…… 假日经济真能拉动消费吗?笔者不以为然,其理由有以下几点: 首先,“黄金周”的排浪式消费,看起来热闹非凡,其实大都是消费存量在时间和空间上的转移,而很少有新的消费增量。就以“黄金周”最热闹的旅游为例,现在国人外出旅游,大都是一年一次长途旅游,或者再加几次短途旅游。“黄金周”出去玩过了,平时就不大可能再出去了。在购物方面也是如此,不论
This year’s “51” holiday has just ended, the statistics department reports and the media exhilarating, hot tourism, shopping malls, the people pocket a lot of money to dig out a lot ... ... Holiday economy can really stimulate consumption? I do not agree For the following reasons: First of all, the “golden week” wave-type consumer spending seems crowded, in fact, most of the stock of consumption in the transfer of time and space, and few new consumption increases. Take the “Golden Week” as the most popular travel example. Now, people travel overseas for the most part, traveling long distances once a year or spending a few short trips. “Golden Week” went out to play, usually not likely to go out again. The same is true of shopping, no matter