集纳百家精华 服务经济建设——谈《我的经济观》的编辑出版

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《我的经济观——当代百名经济学家自述》第一卷和第二卷同广大读者见面了。这套书的编辑出版,经过了较长时间的酝酿。党的十三届七中全会指出:90年代是我国现代化建设的历史进程中非常关键的时期。我社考虑到集中精力把经济建设搞上去的需要,考虑到在治理整顿取得成果的基础上加大改革开放力度的需要,也考虑到在改革开放过程中,我国经济学界相当活跃、卓有成果的状况,认为现在不仅需要并且也有可能把当代中国经济学家的研究成果汇集起来,为中国经济的振兴献计献策。循着这条思路,我社确定编辑出版《我的经济观》的宗旨:在马列主义的指导下,围绕建设有中国特色的社会主义 “My Economic View - A Hundred Economist Readme” Volumes I and II met with readers. Editing and publishing of this book, after a long period of brewing. The Seventh Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee pointed out: The 1990s were a very crucial period in the historical process of China’s modernization. Considering the need of concentrating energetically on economic construction and taking into account the need of intensifying the reform and opening up based on the results of governance and rectification, our society also takes into account that during the period of reform and opening up, China’s economics circle was quite active and fruitful It is believed that it is not only necessary but also possible to bring together the research results of contemporary Chinese economists and give advice and suggestions for the promotion of China’s economy. Following this line of thinking, CCS has decided to edit and publish the “My Economic Viewpoint”: Under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, we will focus on building socialism with Chinese characteristics
据《世界科技译报》(91.11.3)介绍,科学家十分注意对大自然和人类活动进行宏观类比研究,发现从生物繁衍、疾病流行到天体运行,从市场价 According to “World Science and
Evidence suggests that autophagy may be a new therapeutic target for stroke, but whether acti-vation of autophagy increases or decreases the rate of neuronal de
我是文博战线上的一名图书管理员,每期《图书馆杂志》发行后,都要认真地看上几遍,并把与自己工作有关系的内容,摘录在笔记本上,以便日 I am a librarian on the battlefiel
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