
来源 :人民之声 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BecauseArc
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1979年3月5日,国务院批准设立深圳市;同年7月15日,中共中央、国务院批准设立深圳经济特区。深圳这座领唱《春天的故事》的城市,在我国改革开放的伟大进程走过28个春秋。28年,沧海变桑田,深圳已由昔日的边陲小镇,发展成为拥有1000多万人口、人均GDP突破一万美元的繁荣城市。28年,旧貌变新颜,当年曾经靠“红头文件”和“土政策”管理经济社会的深圳,如今已是一座法规渐趋完备的城市,各行各业在法律的规范下繁荣发展。 March 5, 1979, the State Council approved the establishment of Shenzhen City; the same year on July 15, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council approved the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The city of Shenzhen, which leads the song “Spring Story,” has gone through 28 Spring and Autumn Great Reforms in our country. In 28 years, the sea changed into Kutian and Shenzhen. From the old town of Beibu, Shenzhen became a prosperous city with a population of more than 10 million and a per capita GDP exceeding 10,000 U.S. dollars. In the past 28 years, Shenzhen has become a city where laws and regulations are gradually becoming more and more complete. Under the law, all walks of life are regulated by law prosper.
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Tip clearance leakage flow in a radial inflow turbine rotor for microturbines under the stage environment is investigated using a three-dimensional viscous flow
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