Adopting Linguistic and Communicative Teaching Approach in JET

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  【Abstract】Language is the important tool of expressing ideas and acquiring information (or we can say it a communicative tool). This paper expounds the linguistic communicative teaching approach in JET based on the present junior English teaching state and student’s lower linguistic competence.
  【Key words】teaching method; junior English teaching
  1. Introduction (The present state of English teaching research)
  The globalization and information of world economy and China’s WTO membership set an even higher demand on our country foreign language teaching method. So does the JET. The world situation is changing everyday.The foreign language teaching history of each country has already pasted several hundred years. In this long time, many foreign language teaching masters, in order to attain more effective teaching result devoted them to the study of the foreign language teaching and posed many teaching pedagogics such as grammar translation method, linguistic method, correlation method and communicative approach and so on.
  2. The junior school English teaching
  2.1 The present state of junior school English teaching
  In a traditional teaching classroom, the teacher puts the emphasis on describing linguistic form instead of involving students in learning. His/her monologue occupies almost the whole process. Lack of assessment and practice is bound to result in their frustration in linguistic output, that is, failure to communicate in the target language, which marks a diverging from our teaching goal. SO in junior English teaching, I think we should adopt linguistic communicative approach. When we teach the students the linguistic competence, we should also pay attention to train them communicative competence and combine the communicative approach with the linguistic method, make linguistic competence developing together with communicative competence.
  2.2 The present junior English teaching outline
  Present junior English teaching outline requires that teacher should teach students to initially use oral English and written English to join in communication ability. It also lays special emphasis on training students reading ability and makes the students gain a certain studying on their own ability for their further studying and using English. So it asks teachers to develop students’ intelligence and improve their thinking, surveying, noticing, remembering, imagination and associating ability (or we can say to develop their every kinds of linguistic and communicative competence).   3. The necessary of applying the two approaches in junior English teaching
  In order to obtain the requirement of the junior school outline, we can’t do one thing and neglect another or have partiality for something. We must know that“teaching guided by the principles, teaching and teaching results according to one’s abilities and attainments.” All the useful teaching methods we should use, otherwise the students can’t develop comprehensively.linguistic method and communicative approach also have their merit and defect. So we must make the linguistic method complement with communicative approach.
  3.1 The merit and defect of communicative English teaching approach
  Communicative approach has flexibility but it loses random. Communicative approach is one of foreign language teaching approach, which was founded by British applied linguists Christopher Candli and Henry Widdowson in late 1960s. But communicative approach focus on language communicative function at the same time it ignores the language purify. In fact, the correct sentence structure and accurate pronunciation and intonation directly influence language communicative activities. To the communicative approach, it is a difficult English teaching problem to mix cultural element together with social factor in communicative scene, also. The scenes, which are supposed in classroom language communication, lack of reality because these scenes are different from mother tongue acquisition communicative scenes.
  3.2 The merit and shortcoming of linguistic English teaching method
  Linguistic method has standard but loses mechanism. Linguistic method first evolved in American after breaking out of the World WarⅡ and advocated by famous structuralism linguist Charles Fries. Linguistic method according to the theory of structuralism linguistics“Language is the spoken language, not the written language” and“language is structuralism system” advocates the spoken language as the core and sentence structure as the outline. And teaching material which is stated by the conversation from emphasizes on repeating fixed phrases, imitation and memorizing. And it also pays much attention to the accuracy of the pronunciation and intonation and broadly uses ratio, through the basis of contrasting and analyzing mother tongue with the foreign language, to learn the difficult points in according with the teaching situation. Linguistic method applies the achievement of language structure research in the foreign language teaching, makes the teaching material compilations and teaching process arrangements have scientific foundation. All of these are surely very important to improve foreign language teaching efficiency and accelerate foreign language teaching procedures.   But the students who were fostered by the linguistic teaching method lack of flexibility in using the language. They can skillfully use sentence structure, but can’t use language to take part in effective communication. Numark pointed out in“How to avoid the interference in language acquisition”that“A person who can skillfully master linguist taught sentence, although he is very cute, when he wants to borrow the match, may not know that he should go ahead and say ‘Do you have a light?’ or ‘Got a match.’ and not say ‘Do you have a fire?’ or ‘Are you a match’s owner?” Obviously, using language to communicate can’t separate from certain objective conditions and backgrounds. Language activities always occur between specific time, specific space, specific scene and specific person. But linguistic teaching method pays excessively attention to mechanical training and language structural form, ignores the content and meaning of language. It exist‘artificial’ tendency. SO if teacher wants to improve students’ English level and English ability comprehensively, you must mix these two kinds of teaching methods together. In English teaching, we can’t stick to one or certain kind of teaching method. We should adopt several pedagogies and use these pedagogies alternately, give full play to their function and make every kind of teaching method complement each other and reach them most perfectly state.
  4. The feeling of the text teaching
  From this text teaching, I know that English is the strong practical subject. So if students don’t have strong interesting, enough understanding input and internalization activities, they can’t have satisfied output and communication activities. Reading is not a passive and negative skill. Or we can say that reading process is not only a knowledge input process, but also a finding, analyzing and solving problems process. So we must train students asking and solving the problems ability. In reading teaching, inheritance and creation are all very important. Inheritance asks students to master the linguistic form (phonetics system, vocabulary system and grammar system).Creation asks students use their critical viewpoint to communicate with the authors and form their own viewpoint and use the target language to express their ideas. So if we want to develop students’ reading ability comprehensively, we must use the linguistic—communicative teaching method and change the traditional single teaching method.
  5. Conclusion   Linguistic—communicative classroom teaching changes the boring and dull traditional classroom teaching and finds the reasonable bridge for transitional period students. It not only makes the students learn some linguistic knowledge, but also lays a good foundation for them developing their further high—level stage communicative competence. So as far as I know, it is a good junior English teaching method, such as it improves students’ learning English enthusiasm and creates an equal, independent and active classroom teaching environment, and all of these have been fully explained above. Of course, I won’t reject other junior English teaching pedagogies absolutely and fix junior English teaching method on linguistic—communicative teaching method. We should absorb other good teaching pedagogies continually and adopt them in our teaching, make the teaching pedagogies constantly progress, improve and blaze new trails. Linguistic—communicative teaching method is a good example of the combination tradition with modern, isn’t it?
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