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根据中华人民共和国国务院关于编造一九六五年预算草案的指示精神,结合本省情况,对有关编造一九五五年预算草案诸问题,作如下的指示:一,财政工作的方针一九五五年财政工作所面临的形势是:国民经济建设第一个五年计划已进入第三个年度,这一个年度的建设计划能否胜利完成,是五年计划的一个重要关键,其所需拨款,必须予以保证。美帝国主义和蒋介石卖国集团仍窃据着我国的领土台湾,必须在国防建设上保证必要的支出。一九五四年夏季长江中下游、淮河两岸和河北部分地区的严重水灾,不只影响去今两年的收入,而且今年尚须继续拨付大量粮款,进行救济、补偿工作和复堤、堵口工程,以支持灾区恢复生产。由此说明,一九五五年财政工作是紧张的,任务是艰巨的,而这一任务又是光荣的,必须努力保证完成。为了完成这一光荣而艰巨的任务,一九五五年预算的编造,必须在一九五四年财政工作的基础上更加提高一步。这就必须从增加生产、扩大物资交流方面,更好地培养财源,积极增加收入;大力节约开支,以保证国家的重点建设;加强国防力量;并进一步改善劳动人民的生活。必须坚持本年预算 According to the instructions of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on the preparation of the draft 1965 budget and in light of the situation in our province, we will give the following instructions concerning the preparation of the draft 1955 budget: First, the principle of fiscal work 1955 The situation facing the financial work of the year is as follows: The first five-year plan for the national economic construction has entered its third year. Whether this year’s construction plan can be successfully accomplished is an important key to the five-year plan. The required funding, Must be guaranteed. US imperialism and the Chiang Kai-shek traitorcy group still steal Taiwan, our territory, and must guarantee the necessary expenditures for national defense. The severe floods in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the banks of the Huaihe River and parts of Hebei in the summer of 1954 not only affected the revenue for the past two years, but they also needed to continue to allocate a large amount of food and clothing this year for relief and compensation work, Project to support the disaster area to resume production. This shows that the financial work in 1955 is tense and the task is arduous. This task is glorious again and efforts must be made to ensure its completion. In order to accomplish this glorious and arduous task, the preparation of the 1955 budget must be further enhanced on the basis of the 1954 financial work. This must be done from the perspective of increasing production and expanding exchanges of goods and resources so as to better cultivate financial resources and increase revenue positively. We must vigorously save expenditure to ensure that the country’s key construction projects are strengthened, the strength of national defense is strengthened, and the working people’s lives are further improved. We must stick to this year’s budget
1 范围rn本标准规定了果园肉鸭养殖的术语和定义、养殖设施、饲养管理、疾病防治、场地消毒、养殖档案和废弃物处理等.rn本标准适用于肉用鹅果园养殖.rn2 规范性引用文件rn下