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为纪念邓小平同志重要题词“发展高科技,实现产业化”发表六周年和交流开发区与高新技术产业经验,中国高科技产业化研究会在宁波市人民政府支持下,于今年4月14~18日,在宁波市举办了1997全国开发区与高新科技产业论坛——交流会。会议由中国高科技产业化研究会沈桂芳副理事长主持,沈桂芳同志在开幕式上提出会议主要议题是,缅怀邓小平同志丰功伟绩,贯彻科教兴国的战略方针,交流各开发区与高新科技产业的新思想、新经验、新途径,推进高新技术向经济建设主战场转移,走出一条有中国特色的发展高新科技之路。 会上,国家科委火炬办李燎同志宣读了国务委员、国家科委主任宋健同志给大会的贺信。中高会顾问杨桓中将、中国工程院常务副院长、中高会副理事长朱高峰同志出席会议并讲话。杨桓同志在讲话中指出,高新技术开发区发展很快,除了全国52个开发区以外,各省还有很多各级开发区,这些开发区为增强国力发挥了很大作用,但存在不少问题,有以下四个关系应处理好:第一是进入高新区产业的高技术与一般技术的关系,从长远讲,高技术产业要为主攻方向;第二是外资投入与民族工业的关系问题,要注意两者的比例;第三是发展速度与经济效益的关系,要注意发展速度与经济效益的综合平衡;第四是当前和长远利益的关系,进驻企业要有? In order to commemorate Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s six-year anniversary of the important inscription “Developing High-Tech, Industrialization” and exchange of development zones and high-tech industries, the China High-Tech Industrialization Research Association supported by the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government came to this April 14-18. On the same day, the 1997 National Development Zone and High-tech Industry Forum was held in Ningbo City. The meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman Shen Guifang of the China High-tech Industrialization Research Association. At the opening ceremony, Comrade Shen Guifang proposed that the main topics of the meeting be to commemorate the great achievements of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and exchange new ideas for development zones and hi-tech industries. , New experiences, and new approaches, promote the transfer of high-tech to the main battlefield of economic construction, and embark on a road of developing high-tech with Chinese characteristics. At the meeting, the Commissar of the Torch Office of the State Science and Technology Commission, Comrade Li Lan, read out a congratulatory message from Comrade Song Jian, State Councilor and Director of the State Science and Technology Commission, to the conference. Lieutenant-General Yang Xuan, an advisor of the China-Canadian Council, Standing Deputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Comrade Zhu Gaofeng, Vice Chairman of the China High Council, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. In his speech, Comrade Yang Lan pointed out that high-tech development zones have developed rapidly. Besides the 52 development zones in the country, there are many development zones at all levels in all provinces. These development zones have played a large role in strengthening national power, but there are many problems. There are four relationships that should be dealt with. The first is the relationship between high-tech and general technology that enter the industry of high-tech industries. In the long run, the high-tech industry must be the main attack direction; the second is the relationship between foreign investment and national industry. Attention should be paid to the ratio between the two; the third is the relationship between development speed and economic efficiency. Attention should be paid to the comprehensive balance between development speed and economic efficiency. Fourth is the relationship between current and long-term interests. Should enterprises enter the company?
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