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1995年10月初,颜珍珠同学自美国北卡罗来纳州来信,告知他“9月份又完成一次画展,参观的人很多,得到不少赞誉和批评,亦结识了一些画家,受益良多,十分愉快”。此后我先后两次去信,祝贺他画展成功,圣诞节日快乐,新春万事如意,而且语重心长地慰勉他利用与各方人士接触的大好机会,为中国和平统一多做贡献。珍珠同学和我交往始于50多年前,亲如手足。1981年恢复联系后,每逢年节他必先寄来贺卡。但这次我连去两信却无回信,我以为他忙于绘画或外出画展,无暇顾及。岂知今年3月21日忽接美国来信,心中高兴,但见字迹不同,心 In early October 1995, Yan Peizhu wrote a letter from North Carolina, informing him that “there was an exhibition to be completed again in September. Many people visited it, received many acclaims and criticisms. They also met some painters and benefited greatly. ”. Since then, I have sent two letters to congratulate him on the success of the exhibition, the happy Christmas day, all the best in the new year and earnest reluctance to make good use of the opportunities he has come into contact with people from all walks of life to make contributions to the peaceful reunification of China. Pearl and my classmates began more than 50 years ago, as pro-brothers. After resuming contact in 1981, he must first send greetings cards during the holidays. However, I did not even reply to the two letters this time. I thought he was busy painting or going out for an exhibition. Did you know that on March 21 this year, I suddenly believed that in the letter from the United States, I am glad to see that there are different handwriting and hearts
随着我省经济的快速发展和金融体制改革的深化 ,青海省各国有商业银行推行了一系列的内部改革措施。大力调整信贷结构 ,处置不良资产 ,努力化解金融风险 ,采取了包括集中上收