纺织强国 教育乃不竭动力

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国家强盛,教育为本。纺织业,乃传统支柱产业、重要民生产业、具有国际竞争优势产业。2000多万从业者,肩挑行业发展重任,于丝线间寻求强国之道。过去两年,金融危机如洪水猛兽突袭而来。纺织业群英奋起,力挽狂澜,于国际经济萧条之际,维持行业企业大局的稳定,全行业掀起调结构、转方式、谋升级热潮。其间,英才辈出,为全行业前行保驾护航。“十二五”近在眼前,“强国战略”扬帆起航,科技、品牌大旗飘扬,强国之根本在于人才队伍建设,人才之根本在于发展教育。纵览天下,纺织业觅良驹之心切,比以往更甚。此时,各纺织院校办学特色纷呈,桃李花开并蒂。《纺织服装周刊》应行业发展大势所需,辟“教育”专栏,开宣传阵地,邀各方师长,扬创新精神,推纺织英才。 Strong country, education-based. Textile industry is the traditional pillar industry, important livelihood industry, with international competitive advantage of the industry. Over 20 million practitioners shoulder the heavy responsibility of developing the industry and seek the path of strengthening the country in the fields of silk. In the past two years, the financial crisis has come as a surprise. In the international economic recession, the overall industry of the textile industry maintained its stability. The whole industry set off a structural adjustment and a turnaround in the hope of upgrading. In the meantime, talents come forth in large numbers to escort the whole industry. In the twelfth five-year period, the strategy of invigorating the nation is set to sail and the banner of science and technology and brand are flying. The fundamental reason for strengthening the country lies in the building of a contingent of qualified personnel. The essence of talent lies in the development of education. Looking around the world, the textile industry has become more and more prosperous. At this point, the characteristics of various textile colleges running schools, peaches and plums bloom. Textile and Apparel Weekly should be in line with the needs of the development of the industry. The column entitled “Education” should be open to propaganda positions. Invited teachers from all walks of life to promote innovation and promote excellence in textile.
吴敬梓集外诗又一首 解放以来;吴敬梓的佚诗佚文发现了不少,佚持计共有二十六首,皆四卷本的《文木山房集》所无。
供需矛盾加剧棉价再创新高受供需及多因素影响,2009/2010年度以来棉价就像一匹脱缰野马,背离价值疯狂上涨,棉价均已经突破历史高位。 Due to the supply and demand and man