发挥职能 强化服务 大力促进地方经济持续、健康发展

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“大开放、大招商、大发展”战略的深入实施,使我市经济发展步入快车道。进入新世纪,我市经济发展面临新的机遇和挑战,全市工商行政管理机关将在市委、市政府的正确领导下,围绕全市经济发展大局,不断改进和加强工商行政管理工作,充分发挥职能作用,为东营经济持续、快速、健康发展做出不懈努力。一、规范企业登记,服务企业改革结合基层工商所监管模式改革工作,在全市企业建立“经济户口”。目前,全市企业“经济户口”的建档率已经达到了100%。今年,我们将深入企业,加大回访力度,把工作的出发点和落脚点紧扣在企业的改革和脱困上。坚持“科学引导、依法规范、因地制宜、分类指导”的原则,帮助全市企业尽快建立现代企业制度。在企业改制中搞好法律咨询和政策指导,提前介入,实行“快受 ”Open, big investment, big development “ in-depth implementation of the strategy, so that the economic development of our city into the fast lane. In the new century, the economic development in our city faces new opportunities and challenges. Under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the city’s industrial and commercial administrative organs will continuously improve and strengthen the administration of industry and commerce and give full play to their functions under the correct leadership of the municipal government. , For Dongying sustained, rapid and healthy development make unremitting efforts. First, standardize enterprise registration, service reform combined with grass-roots industrial and commercial regulatory mode of reform work in the city’s enterprises to establish ”economic accounts.“ At present, the city enterprise ”economic accounts “ the filing rate has reached 100%. This year, we will deepen the enterprises, increase the intensity of returning visits, and closely link the starting point and the foothold of the work with the reform and the turning-point of enterprises. Adhere to the principle of ”guiding science by science, regulating according to law, according to local conditions and guiding by categories“, and help enterprises in the city establish a modern enterprise system as soon as possible. In the restructuring of enterprises do a good job in legal advice and policy guidance, involved in advance, the implementation of ”fast
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