An Analysis of Competition among School Students in English Learning

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  Abstract:This paper is to analyze the competition of the senior high school students in English learning by using questionnaire and individual cases.The state of competition and its reasons,manifestations and influence are focused on.A proposal is given to take advantage of competition to improve students' study.
  Key words:competition;cooperation;students
  1 The definition of competition
  The definition of competition in Modern Chinese Dictionary is to compete with others for one's own good while the advanced learner's English-Chinese dictionary says it is a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for something that not everyone can have.
  2 Manifestation of competition
  In a competitive environment of learning,students are forced to get a higher score,resulting in only one or a few of them can achieve the established objectives.They celebrate classmates' failure and believe that only the strongest can succeed.
  3 The formation of competition
  3.1 The rank of grades
  According to our traditional conception,the rank of grades can help academically poor students to feel ashamed and then learn from the excellent ones.In addition,the grade of the college entrance examination will be ranked so that they can choose students to go to university from the top.Eventually fierce competition happens.They will strive for a better rank at all cost.
  3.2 Interpersonal communication
  The people senior students get contact with have a tremendous influence on them,making them better or corrupted. If two students are in a poor relationship,the one who achieved higher grade will surely stimulate the other one.Feel embarrassed,he will endeavor to learn.Similarly,when one's friends around all achieve good grades,he will strive for a better rank for sure.
  3.3 Family effects
  There is research showing that family circumstance like parental educated level,economic income,career and ways to teach their children has effects on their children's formation of competition.Child is parents' mirror.Child is also an opus of parents'.Family is a starting and harbor for successful children in which parents are the tutors and deputies of children.
  Throughout the analyses above,it is clear that fierce competition indeed exists among senior high school students in learning.Interpersonal communication and family effect can lead to competition.Specifically analyzing,it is the method of group competition and cooperation that should be taken to apply in practical teaching.
  [1].Robert E Slavin.1991.Synthesis of research on cooperative learning.Educational Leadership:73.
  [2].Jiang Kai.2012.The origin and consequences of excess competition in education,a mainland Chinese perspective.Chinese Education and Society:10.
摘要:学习兴趣是学习的动力,针对目前职业学校计算机专业学生的学习现状,本文着重就如何在《Flash动画制作》课程的教学中激發学生的学习兴趣,从而提高教学质量提出了几点看法。  关键词:学习兴趣;flash动画制作  一、引言  随着internet的广泛流行,Flash动画以其文件小、效果佳、易掌握、应用广等优点而得以迅猛发展,已成为当今internet上交互式矢量动画的行业标准,现在,只要上网浏
摘要:汉语言文学,是中华文明的结晶,其历史渊远悠长,是我国先民智慧的表现。文学的本质是追求真善美,也是意识形态的物化,在这个基础上,对人的涵养提高能起很大的作用。不管是人的行为方式,还是意识思想的改变,都有很大的作用。  关键词:汉语言文学;真善美;涵养提高  一、汉语言文学教学的重要性  作为传统的人文学科,汉语言文学是中国传统文化和民族意识的学术载体,代表着中国传统的精神文明建设,同时也是大时
摘要:在国家素质教育的提倡和教育政策的推动下,越来越多的家长开始重视孩子们德智体美劳的全面发展。在众多的特长选择当中,钢琴作为“乐器之王”成为了大部分家庭为孩子选择的首选乐器,而在这些学习钢琴的琴童中,有百分之九十五的琴童都会选择参加钢琴业余考级。钢琴业余考级大大推动了钢琴音乐教育的发展,但与此同时,也带来了很多不利的影响。本文就钢琴业余考级对家长、对孩子、对社会的利弊影响谈谈自己的思考。  关键
课堂导入,是课堂教学的一个重要组成部分,精彩的导入可以为课堂教学奠定良好的基础。常言道:好的开头等于成功的一半。教师如果能够设计出构思巧妙、想象奇特的导入方式,就能够帮助学生开启思维、引发联想、激起探究欲望,为一堂课的成功开展铺下基石,收到事半功倍的效果。  导入没有固定的模式,也无所谓最好的模式,完全因教学的氛围、对象、目标的不同而不同。在信息技术教学中,我们要特别注意知识的衔接,多角度、多方位
摘要:教育改革的过程中,我国提出了研究性学习的方式,这种方式主要是让学生自己通过实践和对问题进行研究的方式进行学习,让学生在实践中与知识的接触更多,从而使学生更加熟练的对知识进行掌握和运用,但是这种方式需要学生学习的主动性很强,思维也要很开放,因此,本文对已经应用了此种方法的高中英语教学进行了讨论。  关键词:高中英语;研究性学习体系;建构思路  在教育改革事业中新一轮的课改指出:基础的英语教育要
摘要:随着我国大专院校扩招政策的实施,高校毕业生人数骤增,给当前社会就业带来了一定的压力。在这样的背景下,中职院校为了确保学生就业,应在教学过程中以就业为导向。为了进一步研究与探索以就业为导向的中职语文教学,本文阐述了中职语文教学现状,探究了中职语文教学改革的方向以及具体的解决对策,以期达到研究的实效性。  关键词:就业为导向;中职语文教学;探索方向  引言:当前,中职学校在发展过程中,具有一定的