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  但让人诧异的是抵抗契丹的历史人物杨老令公、佘太君,和他们的孙子杨文广在这里的现身。有学者研究,南宋死了,鲸头埠当下也冷清。A view of Lord Yang Temple at Jingtou Village
  A sacrificial ceremony is under way prior to a dragon parade.
  Folk Religion Persists in Jingtou Village
  By Mei Chong
  The other day I find an opportunity to visit Jingtou Village during my trip to Wenzhou, a port city in southern Zhejiang Province. My purpose is to see Lord Yang Temple in the village. I have long since heard about the folk religion that started centuries ago. Those who relied on the sea for a living such as fishermen and sailors on trad-ing ships in the southeastern provinces of China used to hold their faith in this deity and pray for his blessing. The religion later faded mysteriously. About three hundred years after the deity was first worshipped, Lord Yang was supplanted by Goddess Matsu of the Sea.
  However, it is said that there are about five hundred Lord Yang temples scattered across the coastal areas in the southeastern China. Lord Yang Temple numbers about 200 in Wenzhou and Taizhou and the most famous is the one in Jingtou Village.
  The bus rides through the countryside, now and then giving me a glimpse of the sea spreading far to the horizon.
  Jingtou sits in a spot where the ends of two mountain ranges meet, but the village is not exactly by the sea. It is near a river and fishermen of Jingtou go to sea through the river. That explains partly why the village hosts a Lord Yang Temple.
  Unlike institutionalized major religions with sacred scriptures, a system of philosophy and values, and a behavior code, Lord Yang Temple represents a regional worship that passes from one generation to another by word of mouth. Though the religion has taken deep roots in the mind of worshipers and temples can be seen almost everywhere in the region, it cannot stand up to challenges from other religions. Nor can it grow big enough to prevail.
  The path to the temple starts at Jingtou Bridge, an arched struc-ture built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). The path to the temple looks like a path to a Buddhist temple. It is said that there used to be two towering banyan trees by the bridge.
  Lord Yang Temple looks like a religious temple. It looks gran-diose with upturned eaves. Fragrance from burning joss sticks per-meates the front hall. There are many statues. Reading the names, I come to understand that these statues represent Lord Yang, the generals of the Yang Family, ten marshals, and twenty-eight deities.
  A statue in the front hall of Lord Yang Temple
  According to local annals, a man surnamed Yang came to Jingtou to convert himself into immortal. Eventually he learned how to be a deity and flew to the heaven together with his house. In 1074, a temple was erected at Jingtou in honor of the new god. His ten sons became marshals. But all the inscriptions and couplets in the temple do not reveal who Lord Yang and his sons are and how they attained the magic and how they stand in comparison with gods of other re-ligions.
  I am amazed to find the generals of the Yang Family worshipped in the temple. The generals are both real historical figures and leg-endary characters in folktales. They are not relatives of Lord Yang, the alpha deity of the temple. Scholars say that in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, the government set up thirteen military barracks along the southeast coast. Memorial tablets of the generals of the Yang family were set up to boost the morale of the soldiers, who were all northerners. Local people followed suit and eventually dedicated the martyred generals to the temple. There is no knowing
  正殿内精美的藻井 A finely decorated wood structure in the ceiling of the front hall at Lord Yang Temple
  exactly how Yang and his sons and the generals of the Yang family were established as patron saints of fishermen and sailors of trad-ing ships. That is, however, the charm of a homemade religion in a remote religion.
  I walk out of the front hall and go through the corridors flanked by stone tablets. I notice each corridor has a magic ship and magic horses at the head of the corridor, symbols of supernatural power wielded by the deities worshipped by villagers of Jingtou. I learn that another hall in the back is home to statues of the wife of Lord Yang and his ten daughter-in-laws and there are some other god-desses worshipped there. I have lost my interest to see them.
  I find a place to sit down in the courtyard. A man walks over and
  introduces himself. He says his surname is Chen and he works at
  A sacrificial ceremony is under way prior to a dragon parade.
  the temple. The man is eager to
  tell me about the temple and I
  am willing to listen.
  The temple used to attract a
  lot of worshipers, but nowadays
  worshippers flock only to the temple fairs that happen on the first and fifteenth of every lunar month and to the temple festivals. Those who visit the front hall are there to draw a fortune stick. The temple offers 28 sticks to those who want to know about their future.
  Listening to Chen and looking around, I spot a freestanding stage with a roof, a structure often seen in clan temples and big residences in the past in this part of the Yangtze River Delta. I ask Chen about entertainment events at the temple. It turns out that the temple has been the venue over the past hundreds of years for Dragon Parade. The parade starts on the second day of the first lunar month and lasts until the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
  The dragon parade is generally referred to as Good Luck Peace Dragon ceremony. The ceremony is closely associated with the sea and hosted by villages in the neighborhood in turn. Each year’s dragon parade is started with a gate-opening dragon, followed by six cleaning dragons, a few hundreds of household dragons, and rounded up by a gate-closing dragon.
  The parade starts at the temple. A pig must be first offered to Lord Yang before a series of ceremonies is held to pay tribute to the dragon. After songs, fireworks, percussion and horn performances, the dragon begins to parade through villages, preceded by groups of horns and lanterns and followed by bands, banners, drama char-acters dressed in costumes. After the big dragons parade back to the temple and go to the heaven in fire, household dragons begin to parade through villages. This can go on for days before they finally come to the temple and all go to the heaven in fire on the 13th day of the first lunar month. On the 15th day, the door-closing dragon goes to the heaven in fire, marking the end of the year’s dragon pa-rade. □
“径山茶宴”是我国古代独特的茶宴习俗的存续,因诞生于南宋都城临安府(今杭州)余杭县径山万寿禅寺而得名,它起源于唐代中期兴起的茶会茶社,在宋元时期的江南禅院盛行一时,流传迄今已有长达1200余年的历史。  径山为浙西天目山的东北余脉,因有路径可通天目山而得名,雄伟峻拔,气势非凡,苏东坡有“势若骏马奔平川”之句。径山群峰罗立,古木参天,翠竹掩映,四季青翠,风景宜人。早在唐天宝元年(743),法钦禅师就
92岁高龄的高式熊先生是上海市文联荣誉委员。这位著名书法家的“红葵花馆”书斋,象征着高家两代在沪甬两地乃至全国书法艺术界的功绩。高振霄、高式熊父子喜爱红葵,家里还世代种植红葵花。  高振霄(1877-1956),字云麓,宁波府鄞县人,为清末翰林。1904年,他参加中国历史上最后一次科举考试,得中二甲第四十七名进士,入翰林院,官编修,时人常称呼“高太史”。清朝末年,时代变革,社会鼎新,末代进士命运各
中国义乌文化产品交易博览会(简示、交流的载体,积极培育和发展符合称“义乌文博会”)创办于2006年。2008本地特色、顺应市场需求的文化产业,年被评为“中国最具影响力的文化行业形成了以印刷包装、文教体育、框画工品牌展会”。义乌市委、市政府高度重视艺、年画挂历、玩具、娱乐活动六大优势文化建设,结合义乌文博会这个文化展产品为主导的特色产业群,成为中国文    义乌经营户余婕(右一)在向两位南美洲客商介
土耳其茶壶和冒着泡沫的茶   A cup of tea with froth and a Turkey teapot     在我的脑海里,中国是世界上第一个茶叶大国,然而来到土耳其才知道,土耳其才是一个真正泡在茶水里的国家。  根据最近调查结果,土耳其喝茶的人越来越多,而且发展势头迅猛,土耳其人的喝茶数量已位居世界第一,每人年均喝茶1250杯,全土耳其每天消费高达2.5亿杯,在饮茶数量上,在过去
2012年6月12日,华策影视在第18届上海电视节开幕当天举办了“华策日”主题活动,发布了由几十部电视剧作品组成的“大剧汇”,钟汉良、欧阳震华、范明、尹施允、黄觉、姚元浩、李菲儿、蒋梦婕、王子文等20多位两岸三地明星携《天涯明月刀》《棋逢对手》《一克拉梦想》《幸福的面条》等6部新剧到场,成为本届电视节的一大亮点。  华策影视总经理赵依芳表示,“大剧汇”并不是简单指有大导演大明星的大制作,而是能打动
鲜花带来春天文化气息。Academician Gong Xiaonan at home with a pot of flowers   在一般人眼里,院士似乎都是全身心在实验室里搞科学实验,认真撰写科研论文;或者在办公室中提笔在绘图纸,或者在工地上解决工程中出现的难题,想象中他们的工作和生活都比较单调枯燥。春节前夕,笔者走进新当选中国工程院院士的浙江大学教授龚晓南博士的家中,发现这位长期从事岩土工
保罗·罗斯和法卡蒂·格莱西亚这两位来自意大利的企业家,在浙江中部城市永康把各自的公司经营得红红火火。为实现他们的永康五金之梦,他们还开设了“意大利餐厅”,创办一家名为“FARO”的咨询服务公司。“FARO”是意大利语“灯塔”的意思,意为照亮意大利人到永康经商办厂之路,愿做意大利诗人但丁名著《神曲》里为但丁行走各地“划船的人”。  开放的浙江人文荟萃,大气包容,正伸开双臂欢迎像保罗、法卡蒂这样的来自
1662年,作为南明朝廷“股肱之臣”的郑成功,率大军东渡台湾海峡,驱逐荷兰侵略者,收复了沦陷38年的宝岛台湾,书写了中国明清史上极重要的一笔。  时光飞逝,英名长留。到今年,恰好是郑成功收复台湾350周年。年初开始,海峡两岸各种团体就开始举行纪念活动。有关“郑成功收复台湾”的内容,在各大传媒出现的频率陡然升高。  缅怀郑成功的历史功绩,看着那些充满纪念意义的文字和影像,我们发现,其实郑成功和他的光
离龙年的春节还有三天,著名老报人、浙籍作家徐开垒离我们而去。前一晚他因身体不适被送到上海瑞金医院,昏迷后再也没有醒过来。九十高龄的老人平静地告别了这个世界。  他是我熟悉的长者。此时此刻,他那清癯的面庞、满头的白发、儒雅的神态,连同那一本本的著作清晰地浮现在我的脑海……  1922年3月,徐开垒出生于宁波城内一个银行职员之家。这是一个带有开明色彩的封建家庭。他在当时宁波最大的小学“翰香小学”毕业后
改革开放以来,浙江的会展业迅速发展,建设规模不断扩大,会展活动空前活跃,会展形式丰富多彩,互动共赢效应十分突出。  永康国际会展中心以其刚柔相济的新颖建筑,现代化、国际化的豪迈雄姿,崛起在浙江中部腹地。作为新兴的文化产业——会展业带动了这座城市的主产业五金业升级换代,激发了永康的发展活力,对其产业结构调整、开拓市场、促进贸易、加强文化交流等方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。  在浙江中部,有一座名闻遐