
来源 :家庭影院技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdn20907
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家庭影院是一个有机的整系统,其中最主要的组成部分应视频。然而,长期以来,由于种种因一直被忽视。直到近年,随着画面投影及平板电视的兴起,特是高清的来临,才逐步得到重视。谁不被精彩纷呈的大画面影像所吸引、所震撼?但是,由于视频标准、技术及知识的普及不够,无论影音爱好者还是从业人员,大多缺乏足够的视频产品选择、判断、调整与应用等方面的把握能力与经验。为此,我们组织了本期“家庭影院基本技术与标准大全:视频篇”的大型特别策划,以期达到提高中国影音行业整体视频技术及应用常识的普及面,让影音爱好者能更好地再现真实、自然的大画面影像效果。作为中国最主流、最权威、最具影响力的影音媒体,多年来我们为视频的推广与普及做出了大量的努力,也获到了丰硕的成果。我们可以看到,投影机、平板电视、高清播放设备等领域风起云涌,新品层出不穷,品质不断提高,受到了广大影音爱好者的喜爱,我们因此而倍感欣慰。而将视频标准与技术提高到更重要的位置,再现更完美的影像,对于目前市场形势及需求而言,我想将是非常重要的,因此,随后我们还将不断地深化这一方面的工作。必须指出的是,由于时间所限,本期专题难免挂一漏万,也可能会有诠释不当之处,仅作抛砖引玉之用,还望热心读者指正与补遗。我们期待您的参与,因为只有百花齐放,才能共同推动中国家庭影院事业的健康发展。 Home Theater is an organic whole system, the most important part of which should be video. However, for a long time, the causes have been neglected. Until recent years, with the screen projection and the rise of flat-panel TVs, special HD is the advent of gradually gaining attention. However, due to the popularity of video standards, technologies and knowledge is not enough, both video enthusiasts and practitioners, most of the lack of adequate choice of video products, judgments, adjustments and applications The ability to grasp and experience. To this end, we organized a large-scale special planning for this issue of “Home Theater Basic Technology and Standards: Video Articles” with a view to improving the popularity of the overall video technology and application common sense in China’s AV industry so as to make AV enthusiasts better To reproduce the real, natural large-screen video effects. As China’s most mainstream, most authoritative, most influential audio and video media, over the years we have made a lot of efforts for the promotion and popularization of video and also achieved fruitful results. We can see that projects such as projectors, flat-panel TVs and high-definition playback devices are surging, new products emerge in an endless stream, and quality is constantly improving. We are greatly rewarded by the majority of AV enthusiasts. However, it is very important for me to take video standards and technologies to a more important position and reproduce more perfect images for the current market situation and demand. Therefore, we will continue to deepen our efforts in this respect . It must be pointed out that due to the limitation of time, this special issue will inevitably result in omissions and omissions. There may be some explanations for improper use, which are only used as a starting point but also for the correction and correction of readers. We look forward to your participation, because only the flourishing, in order to jointly promote the healthy development of China’s home theater business.