Influence of graphite content on sliding wear characteristics of CNTs-Ag-G electrical contact materi

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixiangtama
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CNTs-Ag-G electrical contact composite material was prepared by means of powder metallurgical method. The influence of the graphite content on sliding wear characteristics of electrical contact levels was examined. In experiments, CNTs content was retained as 1% (mass fraction), and graphite was added at content levels of 8%, 10%, 13%, 15% and 18%, respectively. The results indicate that with the increase of graphite content, the contact resistance of electrical contacts is enhanced to a certain level then remains constant. Friction coefficient decreases gradually with the increase of graphite content. Wear mass loss decreases to the minimum value then increases. With the small content of graphite, the adhesive wear is hindered, which leads to the decrease of wear mass loss, while excessive graphite brings much more worn debris, resulting in the increase of mass loss. It is concluded that wear mass loss reaches the minimum value when the graphite mass fraction is about 13%. Compared with conventional Ag-G contact material, the wear mass loss of CNTs-Ag-G composite is much less due to the obvious increase of hardness and electrical conductivity, decline of friction surface temperature and inhibition of adhesive wear between composites and slip rings. The influence of the graphite content on sliding wear characteristics of electrical contact levels was examined. CNTs-Ag-G electrical contact composite material was prepared by means of powder metallurgical method. and graphite was added at content levels of 8%, 10%, 13%, 15% and 18%, respectively. The results indicate that with the increase of graphite content, the contact resistance of electrical contacts is enhanced to a certain level then remains. With the small content of graphite, the adhesive wear is hindered, which leads to the decrease of wear mass loss, while excessive graphite caused is the increase of mass loss. It is said that that mass loss reaches the minimum value when the graphite mass fraction is about 13%. Compared wi th conventional Ag-G contact material, the wear mass loss of CNTs-Ag-G composite is much less due to the obvious increase of hardness and electrical conductivity, decline of friction surface temperature and inhibition of adhesive wear between composites and slip rings.
<正> 1952年,杨联升先生首先援引《西京杂记·六博术》来探讨汉代的博戏,并配合出土的博具,尝试复原六博的游戏规则。《西京杂记》所录之术,出自西汉景帝时擅长六博的许博昌,以回文式的口诀传诵,其文如下: