
来源 :浙江水利科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuwenglei
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在水工建筑物混凝土的施工中,经常会遇到一些复杂的曲面,如溢流面,尾水弯管、蜗壳等曲面。这些曲面不仅施工难度大,而且质量要求也高。对技术力量、施工装备比较薄弱的地县中小型工程来说,寻求一种简易的立模施工方法是地方水利工作者渴望已久的。近两年来,我们学习外省的经验,先后在双曲拱坝溢流面、水电站尾水弯管段、水轮机蜗壳、导水墙半圆墩等较为复杂的结构上,采用无模施工取得了较好的效果。现简要总结如下: In the hydraulic construction of concrete construction, often encounter some complex surfaces, such as overflow surface, tail water pipe, volute and other surfaces. These surfaces not only difficult to construct, but also high quality requirements. For small and medium-sized projects in prefectures and counties where the technical force and construction equipment are relatively weak, it is a long way for local water conservancy workers to seek a simple method of standing-mold construction. In the past two years, we learned from the experience of other provinces and made some improvements on the more complex structures such as the overflow surface of the double-curvature arch dam, the tailrace curved section of the hydropower station, the volute of the turbine, and the semi-circular pier of the guide wall. Good results. Now briefly summarized as follows:
[本刊讯 ]由《焊管》期刊社承办的陕西省科技期刊编辑学会机电专业委员会科技期刊光盘版规范化培训班于 2 0 0 0年 9月 2 5~ 2 7日在宝鸡举办。参加会议的领导有陕西省科技期
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