援闽战事,乃自1917年迄1926年间,系护国之役后南北双方争执的一个重要历史事件,1924年 10月-11月间王怀庆舅甥间关于援闽战事的 3件信函,反映了北洋 军阀的内部矛盾,有较重要的史料及研究价值,特为公布。
The war between aid Fujian and Minzu was an important historical event in the dispute between South and North Korea since 1917 to 1926. During the period from October to November 1924, three communications between Wang Huaiqing and his uncle on the war on aid to Fujian provoked the Northern War The internal conflicts among the warlords are especially important because they have important historical and research values.