
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcyzlh
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作者认为,市场经济条件下的财政调控机制与计划经济条件下的财政调控机制有本质区别。前者的调控作用途径是市场机制;调控方式为间接调控,即通过影响市场信号调节经济主体行为;调节手段主要的是经济参数;调控效应信号主要来自于市场。新时期的财政宏观调控应具备以下三个特征:调控方式以参数化的间接调控为主;调控目标须兼顾国民经济的长期增长和短期稳定;调控手段应灵活多样。作者指出,要保证财政调控机制的正常运作,必须建立科学合理的体系,包括:财政改革体系、财政政策手段体系、财政政策决策和执行体系。 The author believes that the financial regulatory mechanism under the conditions of a market economy is essentially different from the financial regulatory mechanism under the conditions of a planned economy. The former is the market mechanism of regulation and control; regulation and control methods for indirect regulation, that is, through the impact of market signals to regulate the economic behavior of the main means of regulation is the economic parameters; regulatory effect signal mainly from the market. The macroeconomic regulation and control in the new era should have the following three characteristics: the mode of regulation and control should be mainly based on the indirect and parameterized regulation; the objective of regulation and control should be balanced with the long-term growth and short-term stability of the national economy; and the means of control and regulation should be flexible and diversified. The author points out that in order to ensure the normal operation of the fiscal control mechanism, it is necessary to establish a scientific and rational system, including: the fiscal reform system, the fiscal policy system and the fiscal policy decision-making and implementation system.
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