
来源 :中国科学:生命科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingwangcheng
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在中国,入侵生物松材线虫进行传播的主要媒介昆虫松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus)可与一种中国本地蓝变真菌Sporothrix sp.1建立体外共生关系.然而在天牛和真菌共生互作过程中,松墨天牛对蓝变菌S.sp.1的免疫响应却未见报道.因此,本文通过比较体外共生真菌S.sp.1和昆虫病原真菌球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)感染松墨天牛蛹所产生的免疫反应,发现天牛对两种菌的免疫应答方式具有显著性差异.将真菌注射到刚化蛹的天牛体内,S.sp.1感染的天牛不会死亡,B.bassiana感染的天牛则全部死亡.转录组测序结果显示,B.bassiana感染48 h后的松墨天牛的差异表达基因数量是S.sp.1感染的2倍.值得注意的是,在体外共生真菌感染的松墨天牛免疫系统中起主导作用的是Toll和IMD信号通路;而在昆虫病原真菌感染松墨天牛后,只有Toll信号通路上调表达.此外,体外共生真菌S.sp.1在感染天牛48 h后可通过下调天牛的Toll通路和IMD通路来产生免疫逃避.本研究提供了松墨天牛转录组全测序数据,为后续松墨天牛和其相关真菌互作研究提供了基础. In China, Monochamus alternatus, a major vector that invades the organism Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, establishes an in vitro symbiotic relationship with a Chinese native blue-transformed fungus Sporothrix sp.1 However, , The immune response of Monochamus alternatus to S.sp.1 has not been reported.Therefore, in this paper, the in vitro symbiotic fungus S.sp.1 and the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana were infected Monochamus alternatus pupa immune response and found that the celastrus on the two strains of immune response has significant differences in the way the fungus is injected into the newly formed pupation of the pupal, S.sp.1 infected beetle will not Death, B. bassiana infected all of the death of the beetle.The transcriptome sequencing results showed that the number of differentially expressed genes of B. alternatus was twice as high as that of S.sp.1 infection 48 h after B.bassiana infection.It is worth noting Is the Toll and IMD signaling pathways that play a dominant role in the in vitro symbiotic fungal infection of the Monochamus alternatus animal and that only the Toll signaling pathway is upregulated after the entomopathogenic fungus infects Monochamus alternatus. In addition, in vitro symbionts S.sp.1 could be passed 48 h after infection Down regulation of Toll pathway and IMD pathway to provide immune evasion.This study provided complete sequencing data of Monochamus alternatus transcriptome and provided the basis for the follow-up study on the interaction between Monochamus alternatus and its related fungi.
摩根士丹利董事总经理兼首席经济师史蒂芬·罗奇3月17日在上海表示,目前世界经济 的不平衡程度比二战以来任何时期都要严重,世界经济亟需一个再平衡过程,而这其中,中 国的角
严干新1957年1月生于湖北省阳新县,他以优良的成绩读完了中小学,1983年湖北医学院毕业后考入河南医科大学攻读硕士学位(图1),1985年毕业荣获硕 Yan Ganxin Born January 195