一、农桐间作概况农桐间作是我国劳动人民在生产实践中实行科学种田的一项创举.它不仅可改造自然,并能合理利用土地,促进农业稳产高产.目前我国农桐间作主要有以下三种形式:(一)以农为主间作型 适宜在风沙危害较轻、地下水位在2.5米以下的农田,栽植少量泡桐.株距5—6米,行距30—50米,每亩约2—4株.轮伐期较早,一般8—10年就可砍伐利用.其经营目的是为农村提供中径材,同时给农作物生产创造稳产、高产的有利条件.(二)以桐为主间作型 适宜在沿河两岸的沙荒地及人少地多的地区营造泡桐人工丰产林.一般株行距以5×5米、每亩26株为宜.泡桐栽植后5年,即可间伐檩材,伐后保持每亩13株,仍可间作农作物.其经营目的是建立商品材生产基地.
I. Intercropping of Agropyron mongolicum Intercropping is a pioneering work carried out by our working people in scientific farming in production practice, which can not only transform nature but also make reasonable use of the land to promote stable and high-yield agriculture. At present, Three forms: (a) of the main intercropping type of farming suitable for less harmful to the sandstorm, groundwater level in the 2.5 m below the farmland, planting a small amount of paulownia. Plant spacing 5-6 meters, spacing 30-50 meters, about 2- 4. Rotation of the earliest, generally 8-10 years can be deforested. Its business purpose is to provide medium-sized timber in rural areas, while creating stable production of agricultural crops, high yield favorable conditions. (Two) to Tong-based intercropping Type suitable for the sand along the banks of the wasteland and people less to create artificial forests Paulownia plant general row spacing of 5 × 5 m, 26 acres per acre appropriate Paulownia 5 years after planting, thinning cuttings, 13 acres per acre after cutting can still be intercropping crops. Its business objective is to establish a production base for commercial products.