
来源 :资源与生态学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:down222
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本文运用文献计量方法对1992?2019年在Web of Science数据库中发表的耕地撂荒领域的910篇文献进行总量和关键词分析,并根据关键词领域从耕地撂荒监测与制图、驱动力与影响因素、效应评估与权衡三个方面进行主题综述.研究发现:(1)目前撂荒耕地的提取与制图渠道以农户调研与遥感技术为主,结合空间信息的NDVI时间序列撂荒地提取方法具有较高精度;(2)从作用程度、来源、属性三个维度对耕地撂荒的驱动力和影响因素进行归纳,发现耕地边际化是耕地撂荒的根本驱动力,劳动力析出是耕地撂荒的直接驱动力,社会经济因素是主要驱动力;(3)耕地撂荒的环境效应具有空间异质性,时空差异、景观环境、气候、耕种、地形特征均会对耕地撂荒的环境效应起决定作用;耕地撂荒效应权衡主要集中在生态系统服务功能和价值领域,但相关空间背景的作用往往被忽略.在系统梳理现有文献的基础上,本文从开展全国层面的撂荒耕地调查、开展多尺度的撂荒驱动力研究、结合国情开展撂荒效应权衡研究等方面对未来耕地撂荒研究进行展望.“,”Using bibliometric methods, this paper analyzes the total amount and keyword composition among 910 studies in the field of farmland abandonment published in the Web of Science database from 1992 to 2019. Ac-cording to the usage of keywords, existing studies are reviewed from the three aspects of monitoring and mapping, driving forces and influencing factors, and effects assessment and trade-off. The results show that: (1) At present, the extraction and mapping of abandoned farmland data mainly rely on household surveys and remote sensing technology, and combing NDVI time series with spatial information can provide abandoned farmland data with high precision. (2) The driving forces and influencing factors of cultivated land abandonment have been summarized in terms of extent, sources and attributes, respectively. Cultivated land marginalization is the fundamental driving force of cultivated land abandonment, labor migration is the direct driving force, and changes in socio-economic factors are the main driving forces. (3) The environmental effects of cultivated land abandonment are spatially het-erogeneous, and temporal-spatial differences, the landscape environment, climate, cultivation and topographic features will all play decisive roles in shaping the ultimate environmental effects. Studies of trade-offs between the impacts of cultivated land abandonment mainly focus on ecosystem service function and value, while the role of spatial background is often ignored. Based on a systematic review of existing literature, this paper suggests that future efforts should carry out large-scale investigations on abandoned cultivated land at the national level, conduct multi-scale research on the driving forces of land abandonment, and conduct trade-off research on the effects of land abandonment based on national conditions.