
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxuekai
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序:本年(第三届)赴内地实习的法律学生增加了15人(共43人),很荣幸继续获去年的协办机构:香港大学法律学院、香港城市大学法律学院及清华大学法学院;支持机构:中央人民政府驻香港特区联络办青年部教科部、国家教育部港澳台事务办公室及国务院港澳事务办公室法律司与交流司及实习机构等支持。此外,更荣获:香港大学徐立之校长及香港城市大学张信刚校长担任此项目之名誉顾问;香港特区律政司黄仁龙司长为在香港举办之业典礼担任主礼嘉宾;最高人民法院协助统筹实习、访问等安排,提高了到法院实习的人数(12位到北京法院,15位首次到上海法院),同学皆配与法官导师;开学典礼在最高人民法院、毕业典礼在北京市高级人民法院,在各支持、协办机构领导人代表出席下隆重地举行。六个星期的实习,不但扩展了同学们的视野及思维,增加了他们对两地法制度异同的了解,也带给他们宝贵的人生及工作经验、快乐难忘的回忆、一生享用的友谊,同学们今天所见、所闻、所感,不单只是个人得益,亦应与人分享,曰后定能学以致用,为香港及内地法律界作贡献 Preface: This year (the third) law practitioners who went to work in the Mainland increased by 15 (43 people in total) and are honored to continue to receive the co-organizers of last year: Law School of Hong Kong University, Law School of City University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University Law School; Support institutions: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Youth Ministry, Central Government People’s Government Liaison Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ministry of Education, Hong Kong, Maucao Office of the State Ministry of Education, Legal Department of Hong Kong and Maucao Office of the State Council, Exchange Division and Internship Agency. In addition, Honorable Principal Xu Lizhi of Hong Kong University and Principal Zhang Xingang of City University of Hong Kong acted as honorary adviser to the project; Director Wong Raymond Long, Department of Justice of HKSAR, officiated at the ceremony held in Hong Kong; and Supreme People’s Court assisted in co-ordinating internship, interviews and etc. Arrangements to increase the number of internships to the court (12 to Beijing courts, 15 for the first time to the Shanghai court), students are assigned with the judge mentor; opening ceremony in the Supreme People’s Court, graduation ceremony in the Beijing Municipal Higher People’s Court, in each support , Representatives of the leaders of the co-sponsors attended the grand ceremony. The six-week internship not only broadens the students’ horizons and thinking, but also increases their understanding of the similarities and differences between the legal systems of the two places. It also brings them valuable life and work experience, happy and unforgettable memories, friendship and classmates for life What we see, what we smell and what we feel today is not only for personal benefit, but also for sharing with others. After that, we can learn from it and contribute to the legal profession in Hong Kong and the Mainland
宝安北“商贸物流”开辟区域发展新篇章 2004年9月24日,作为“笋岗文化节”重要内容之一的“金色罗湖银聚笋岗--商贸物流发展论坛”隆重召开,国内著名物流专家、政府官员、企
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编辑同志: 近几年来,随着“两打”斗争的不断深入,我县广大执法人员受到教育和锻炼,政治素质和业务素质不断提高,对刑事案件办案期限普遍有所重视。超期羁押案件逐年减少,办
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