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在同一个班级中,由于学习能力的个体差异较大常常导致两极分化。教学过程的标准、同步、统一,难以完全适应学生的个体差异,不利于因材施教。教师在教学中要充分考虑到学生间的个体差异,实施分层教学以便达到共同进步的目的。班级授课制有一个基本的特征就是按照年龄和知识水平将学生编班,即同一个教学班学生的年龄和知识程度大致相同。捷克教育家夸美纽斯在谈论班级教学时,他过分强调集体教学,完全否认个别指导。在这种思想指导下的班级授课制是在忽视学 In the same class, the larger individual differences in learning ability often lead to polarization. The teaching process standard, synchronization, unity, it is difficult to fully adapt to individual differences in students is not conducive to teaching students according to their aptitude. Teachers in teaching should take full account of the individual differences between students, the implementation of hierarchical teaching in order to achieve the goal of common progress. A basic feature of the class system is that students are grouped according to their age and knowledge level, that is, the same class and age of students as the knowledge level. When Comenius, a Czech educator, talked about class teaching, he overemphasized collective teaching and totally denied individual guidance. Under the guidance of this idea, the class teaching system is neglecting
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(一)The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening.Mr.Taylor,the owner of a jew ellery shop,1(admire)a new window display.Diamond neck
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目的 :研究通舒胶囊对心肌梗死的保护作用。方法 :运用结扎大鼠冠脉左束支的心肌梗死模型研究通舒胶囊对心肌梗死的保护作用。结果 :结果证实通舒胶囊有降低心肌梗死范围的作