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一、前言世界上的一些发达国家都在从事摆动辗压的研究和生产。摆动辗压的工作原理如图1所示。摆头的中心线与摆辗机机身的垂直轴线相对倾斜γ角。摆头的锥顶为支承点,摆头轴沿着既定的运动轨迹(一般为圆形)进行运动,而相应的下模上的坯料则同时上升,达到上死点后再返回。摆动辗压变形力小,设备投资少,公称压力是传统锻压设备的1/5~1/20。这是由于摆动辗压时只限于局部区域连续成形,摆头与坯料之间不产生滑动摩擦,由负载所引起的滚动摩擦极低。坯料受滚动摩擦的作用金属易进行径向流动,坯料中心和边缘处的应力均为σ_r(参见图1),最大应力σ_(max)位于距坯料中心 I. Preface Some developed countries in the world are engaged in swinging research and production. Swing rolling working principle shown in Figure 1. Swinging the center line and the tilt axis of the fuselage relative tilt γ angle. The top of the swinging head is the supporting point. The swinging head shaft moves along a predetermined movement track (usually a circle), while the blank on the corresponding lower mold rises at the same time and reaches the top dead center before returning. Swing rolling deformation force is small, less equipment investment, the nominal pressure of traditional forging equipment 1/5 ~ 1/20. This is because the swinging rolling is limited to the continuous forming of the local area, the sliding friction between the swinging head and the blank is not generated, and the rolling friction caused by the load is extremely low. Billet by the role of rolling friction metal radial flow easily, the center of the billet and the edge of the stress are σ_r (see Figure 1), the maximum stress σ_ (max) from the blank center
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钢轨经轧制、缓冷后必然发生弯曲变形。为使其成为合格产品,必须进行矫直加工。但采用立矫工艺时,其噪声高达120 dB(A)以上,严重污染了环境。作者发现,噪声起因于钢轨与矫直
一见钟情是种无法避免的缘    我从不后悔爱上江洋,因为他的确是一个优秀的男人。  十年前,我刚刚大学二年级,有一次,无意中在晚报上看到一篇题为《如此女人》的文章,文笔犀利、幽默,但对女人的劣根性极尽调侃之能事。  我们宿舍的女生一边传阅一边痛骂,一位室友提议:“可亭,你文笔最好,我们开会,你来记录,也写篇文章回敬他!”  姐妹们一致说好,我便也兴致勃勃地铺开纸笔,准备大干一番。  那天下午,我们