中国证监会:深化改革 开拓进取

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1月12日召开的全国证券期货监管工作会议指出,2006年,也是新修订的《证券法》、《公司法》实施的第一年,资本市场改革和发展的任务依然比较艰巨。2006年证券期货监管工作的指导思想是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十六届五中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,以科学发展观统领全局,深入落实《若干意见》,严格履行《证券法》赋予的职责,进一步提高监管效率和水平,以完善市场功能为重点,继续加强基础性制度建设,稳步推进股权分置改革,积极构建多层次市场体系,努力促进市场创新,不断提高市场效率,促进资本市场持续稳定健康发展。会议确定2006年的重点工作可以概括为:突出一项改革,加强两个保障,规范发展三类主体,不断巩固和扩大改革发展成果。突出一项改革,就是以股权分置改革为首要任务和突破口,全面推进资本市场的运行机制转换。加强两个保障,就是贯彻落实新修订的《证券法》和《公司法》,强化市场运行的法制保障;推进资本市场制度创新和产品创新,强化市场运行的机制保障。规范发展三类主体,就是推进提高上市公司质量工作、基本完成证券公司综合治理、继续发展壮大机构投资者队伍。要通过这些工作,进一步巩固和扩大资本市场改革和发展的成果。 January 12 held a national Securities Futures Regulatory Conference pointed out that in 2006, but also the newly revised “Securities Law”, “Company Law” in the first year of implementation, the reform and development of the capital market is still more arduous task. The guiding ideology of securities and futures regulatory work in 2006 is: guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, fully implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and guide the overall situation with the Scientific Outlook on Development We will continue to implement the “Several Opinions”, strictly implement the duties assigned by the Securities Law, further improve the efficiency and standard of supervision, focus on improving the market function, continue to strengthen the building of a basic system, steadily push forward the reform of share equity structure, and actively construct a multi-level market system , Strive to promote market innovation, continuously improve market efficiency and promote sustained, steady and healthy development of the capital market. The meeting determined that the key tasks for 2006 can be summarized as follows: highlighting one reform, strengthening the two guarantees and standardizing the development of the three main bodies, and continuously consolidating and expanding the achievements in reform and development. Highlighting a reform, that is, the reform of the split share structure as the primary task and a breakthrough point, comprehensively promote the transformation of the operational mechanism of the capital market. To strengthen the two guarantees is to implement the newly revised Securities Law and the Company Law so as to strengthen the legal guarantee for the operation of the market. We will promote system innovation and product innovation in capital markets and strengthen the institutional guarantee of market operation. Standardize the development of the three main categories, that is, to promote the work of improving the quality of listed companies, the basic completion of comprehensive management of securities companies continue to grow and develop institutional investors team. Through these efforts, the achievements of capital market reform and development will be further consolidated and expanded.
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