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1997年,将是我中华民族欢欣鼓舞、扬眉吐气的一年。150多年前,英帝国主义依仗坚船利炮,侵占我香港地域,使山河蒙尘,国家屈辱。中国人民经过前仆后继的无数斗争,终于推翻了三座大山,又在改革开放年代飞速进步,使我们今天能够屹立于地球东方。痛定还当思痛,居安必须思危。对于站起来了的中国,有的虎视耽耽。梦想卷土重来;有的居心叵测,恶毒散布所谓“中国威胁论”,我们何可高枕无忧?去年,美国继前年向台湾出售进攻性武器、允许李登辉访美以后,3月份,对我正常的台海军事演习,竟派出两个航母编队直逼我国境。日本右翼势力猖狂,再次登上我钓鱼岛,建筑非法设施,禁止我接近和捕鱼。美日协议扩大安保体制,以遏制中国为目的。南海周边一些国家无视我国主权,侵占和资源掠夺行动愈演愈烈。台湾当局假统直独、分裂分治的图谋越走越远;去年,海空军事实力空前增强。美售和法售第三代战斗机开始移交入列;全自动作战指挥系统“强网”因美售预警机的入列而能力更加提高;自制的、购法的和租美的导弹驱、护舰不断交付;对付导弹的“爱国者”导弹也已装备。至于某些国家寻找借口,不断制裁和攻击我国,更是不一而足。凡此种种表明,不是中国威胁别人,而是确实有人威胁中国,危及中国的生存、发展和统一。 In 1997, it will be a year of rejoicing and proud of the Chinese nation. More than 150 years ago, the British imperialists, basing their fortifications and gunboats, invaded Hong Kong, made the mountains and rivers dusty, and humiliated the country. After countless struggles, the Chinese people have finally overthrew the three mountains and made rapid progress in the era of reform and opening up so that we can stand today in the east of the earth. Painful still thinking of pain, home safety must be critical. For the stand up in China, some tiger delay. Last year, following the sale of offensive weapons to Taiwan by the United States the previous year to allow Lee Teng-hui to visit the United States, in March of last year, he said to me that my normal Taiwan Strait military exercise, which is based on the so-called “China threat theory, Actually sent two aircraft carrier formation force my country. The Japanese right-wing forces are furious and once again boarded the Diaoyu Islands to construct illegal facilities and ban me from approaching and fishing. U.S.-Japan agreement to expand security system to curb China. Some countries around the South China Sea have been ignoring the sovereignty of our country and the encroachments and the plundering of resources have become increasingly fierce. Taiwan authorities have taken farther and farther apart from seeking separate independence and direct division. Last year, the strength of navy and air force was unprecedentedly enhanced. The third-generation fighters in the United States and the United States started to be transferred to the columns. The ”full-mesh“ automatic combat command system was further enhanced by the entry of the early warning aircraft in the United States; self-made, purchased and leased missiles and destroyers continued Delivered; ”Patriot" missiles to deal with missiles are also equipped. As for some countries looking for excuses, constantly punishing and attacking our country, it is even more numerous. All this shows that it is not that China is a threat to others but that some people do indeed threaten China and threaten China's survival, development and reunification.
Patients with Parkinson disease (PD) are impaired in time processing. The aut hors investigated the effects of high-frequency (5 Hz) repetitive transcranial mag
目的 观察汉防己甲素 (Tetrandrine,Tet)对实验性急性胰腺炎 (AP)的治疗效果 ,并对其作用机制进行探讨。方法 取 176只SD大鼠 ,雌雄不拘 ,随机分为 6组 ,经胰胆管逆行注射
1991年4月~1996年10月,我院共收治药物性肝炎112例,现将其发病规律和临床特点分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 112例中,男77例,女35例;年龄4~82岁,平均45.4岁。均符合药物
 一、临床资料例1 女性,53岁。哈萨克族,牧民。因上腹部肿物进行性增大一年,伴有持续性疼痛5月余,于1985年8月15日入院。查体:慢性病容,消瘦。剑突下可触及一拳头大的囊性肿物,不活动,有轻微压
一、病例 患者女,19岁,因车祸致额颞叶多发性脑挫伤入院。WBC170×109/L,N091,L009,体温383℃。入院后给予青霉素G等药物治疗3周,病情基本得到控制。血液,尿培养阴性。第5周病情突然恶化,继续用原方案治
随着一些校园安全事故的不断发生,很多学校设立了学校门卫岗,以此把好校园治安第一关。这一做法的确可以起到一定的震慑和预防作用,但笔者在同一些学校门 With the continua