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人们总爱将希冀的目光投注在未触及的领域。正如“两弹一星”与载人航天之梦,中国人极其渴望在广阔的蓝天上,能出现中国自主研制的大飞机划过的弧线。历经几代人的努力,中国人梦圆的时刻正在到来。11月2日,我国自主研制的首款新一代喷气式干线客机C919下线。C919历时7年设计制造,承载着中国人自20世纪70年代开始的大飞机梦想,如今它的惊艳亮相也意味着继波音737和空客A320后,全球70吨级客机市场将再添一名“重量级选手”。 People always like to bet on the unsuspecting fields. Just as the “two bombs and one satellite” and the dream of manned spaceflight, the Chinese are extremely eager to find the arc traversed by China’s self-developed large aircraft on the vast blue sky. After several generations of hard work, the dream of Chinese people is coming. November 2, China’s first self-developed new generation of jetliner C919 off the assembly line. Designed and built over the past seven years, the C919 carries the Chinese dream of a big aircraft that began in the 1970s. Its stunning debut now means that the global 70-ton passenger aircraft market will add another after the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320 “Heavyweight player ”.
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题目 :实验室现有 2 0℃的冷水 ,需要 80℃ 1 .5升的热水。如果 1 .5升水从 2 0℃上升到 80℃ ,需要吸收多少热量 ?( 2 0 0 2年遵义市中考试题 )本题是计算题中较容易的题 ,