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6月底,武山县滩歌乡遭遇了乡民记忆以来最为惨痛的一场冰雹的袭击,山洪奔泻而下,屋舍夷为平地,人或为鱼鳖。惊慌、悲痛的黎民百姓仰天而叹,为自己亲手酿造了十余年的苦酒而悔恨。往昔的滩歌,林木丰茂,山水钟秀;清泉遍野,水甘如醴;虎啸豹应,鹿鸣呦呦。据康熙四十八年《宁远县志》记载,当时滩歌有虎、豹、熊、猴、豺、麋、鹿、麝、狐、獾、雕、鹰、雉等飞禽走兽多达60余种,就是70年代也能见到熊、豺、麝、狐等二三十种。可今天,这些动物却几乎灭绝。80年代初,发财致富的春风扑面而来,愚昧和贫穷交困的茅檐低舍无不为之骚动,自作聪明的觉醒者,怀揣淘金美梦的钥匙,妄图步入富贵的天堂,竟然荒谬地打开了人间通往地狱的大门。约两年光景,他们砍光了村前村后、河滩沟壑、田间地头、道路两旁护坡护路、防洪蓄水的一片又一片树林,垦掉了一块又一块草地。进而,每天又数以干计地涌向滩歌林区。步履匆匆,车轮滚滚,砍砍伐 By the end of June, Tugao Township, Wushan County, suffered the most hail of hail attacks since the memory of the villagers. The torrents of floodwater plunged down and the houses were leveled. People were fish and turtles. Panic, grief of the people of Libya Yang Tian sigh, brewed their own hands more than ten years of bitter and remorse. Past songs of the beach, forest Fengmao, landscape Zhongxiu; springs all over the water sweet water; tiger Xiao leopard should be, Luming Yo Yo. According to the forty-eight years of Emperor Kangxi “Ningyuan County” records, when the beach songs tiger, leopard, bear, monkey, emu, moose, deer, musk deer, fox, badger, carving, eagles, pheasants and other birds and animals up to more than 60 species, that is, 70 The age can see bears, 豺, musk deer, fox and other twenty or thirty species. But today, these animals are almost extinct. In the early 1980s, the spring breeze to make a fortune rose to the forefront, ignorance and impoverished majestic monarchs were all committing the uproar. As a clever awakening, holding the key to the gold rush dream, vainly trying to walk into the paradise of wealth turned out absurdly The door to hell. About two years later, they cut off the village before the village, river ravines, fields, roads along the slope protection road, flood control and water after another piece of woods, reclaimed piece by piece of grass. Furthermore, it flooded a number of countless days every day on the beaches song forest area. Walking in haste, wheels rolling, cut felling
5月1日至14日,第43届世乒赛会歌《共享阳光》那轻松、优美的旋律,伴着极有节奏感的“乒乓、乒乓”声。始终回荡在津门赛场内外。 “一方碧蓝的海洋托起圆圆的桔黄,就像五环
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在今年5月天津代表大会和理事会上,国际乒联对部分组织章程和比赛规则进行了修订。 一、关于国际乒联组织结构 1、国际乒联的领导机构由1名主席,1名第一副主席,4名执行副主