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通过对冷轧态3104铝合金试样进行不同温度回归处理,利用金相显微分析及力学性能试验研究了回归温度对其显微组织及力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:不同回归温度条件下,3104铝合金的组织形貌、第二相组织数量、分布及力学性能有较大的差异。在一定温度范围内,随回归温度的升高,晶界逐渐明显,析出的第二相组织数量逐渐增多且分布均匀,同时力学性能逐渐提高。当回归温度达到180℃时,晶内及晶间弥散分布着大量的第二相组织,力学性能较高,当回归温度达到210℃时,第二相的析出量大量减少,力学性能明显降低。 The effects of regressive temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 3104 aluminum alloy specimens in cold-rolled state were studied by means of metallographic analysis and mechanical properties tests. The results show that the microstructure, the number and distribution of the second phase and the mechanical properties of the 3104 aluminum alloy have significant differences under different regression temperatures. In a certain temperature range, with the increase of the regression temperature, the grain boundary gradually becomes obvious. The amount of the second phase precipitates gradually increases and distributes evenly, and the mechanical properties gradually increase. When the regression temperature reached 180 ℃, a large number of second phase microstructures were distributed in the grains and interstitially dispersed grains with high mechanical properties. When the regression temperature reached 210 ℃, the amount of precipitated second phase decreased greatly and the mechanical properties decreased remarkably.
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从二十世纪九十年代初开始 ,影楼婚纱摄影迅速兴起 ,且一夜之间成燎原之势 ,全国各地 ,大到都市省城 ,小到村镇弄巷 ,影楼摄影到处开花 ,而且在一段时间里搞得门庭若市 ,前去
当代书坛,江、浙、沪构成帖学“铁三角”,其代表性书家无不以二王帖学为宗,而其对二王尊崇的程度,可谓不让前贤,其苦心孤诣乃至使人不无隔世之感。不过,时移 Contemporary
小小茶壶乾坤藏……引领您进入“苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青”的幽居,怡神于“无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形”的境界……请君侧耳听,一掊茗香话紫砂。 Small teapot heaven and ea