
来源 :考试与评价·八年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wintry5
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  动词与介词构成的短语相当于一个及物动词,其宾语位置比较固定,一般都位于介词之后。常见的此类介词有for, about, of, after, from, into, to, with, at等。
  常见的这类短语有:wait for 等待;look after 照顾;look for 寻找;hear from 收到某人的来信;look at 看……;depend on 依靠;ask for 请求;询问;agree with 同意;stand for 代表;pay for 付费;send for 派人去请;take after 像;hear of 听说等。
  这类短语动词有的可用作及物动词,有的可用作不及物动词。当用作及物动词且其宾语是名词时,该宾语可位于短语动词之后,也可位于短语动词之间;当其宾语是代词时,则该宾语只能置于短语动词中间。常见的此类副词有away, out, off, up, down, back, in, along等。
  常见的这类短语有:cheer up 振奋起来;clean up 打扫干净;put up 张贴;举起;get up 起床;turn up 调大;make up 编造;stay up 熬夜;take up 开始做;set up 建立;cut up 切碎;fix up 修理;work out 算出;give out 分发;give away 赠送;think over 仔细思考;turn over 把……翻过来;hand in 上交;start off 动身;come back 回来;get down 下来;hold on 等一下;别挂断;look out 当心;小心;get away逃离等。
  常见的这类短语有:get out of 离开,从……出来;come up with 想出;look forward to 盼望;catch up with 赶上;come up to 走近;go on with 继续;run out of 用光;耗尽;look down upon 瞧不起等。
  常见的这类短语有:have a look at 看一看;make friends with 与……交朋友;take care of 照顾;pay attention to 注意;take part in 参加;make use of 利用;take notice of 注意;make fun of 取笑等。
  常见的这类短语有:be good at 擅长于……;be good with 对……有办法;be interested in对……感兴趣;be similar to 与……相像;be strict in / with 在……方面严格/对……严格;be familiar with 熟悉;be different from 与……不同;be full of 装满等。
  常见的此类动词有have, take, give, make等。
  常见的这类短语有:have a rest 休息一下;take a walk 散步;make a wish 许愿;take a message捎个口信等。
  1. My deskmate and I are going to ______ a talk show at the party to celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland.
   A. hand in                   B. put on
   C. take out                     D. go on with
  【解析】考查短语动词的词义辨析:hand in 上交;put on 上演;穿上;增重;take out 带出去;go on with 继续。题意为 “我的同桌和我打算上演一个谈话节目来庆祝祖国的70 周年诞辰”,故选 B。
  2. —Shall we go to the airport to ______ your sister?
   —I dont think its necessary. She will come here by taxi.
   A. see off                    B. pick up    C. look after              D. come across
  【解析】句意:——我们去机场接你的姐姐,好吗?——我想这没有必要,她会乘出租车来这里。see off为某人送行;pick up拾起;接某人;look after照顾;come across偶然遇见。根据She will come here by taxi. 可知,这里表示“去机场接……”,故选B。
  3. Theyll succeed in working out the problem because they never ______.
   A. wake up                 B. give up
   C. look up                   D. make up
  【解析】 句意:他們会成功地解决这个问题,因为他们从没放弃。考查短语动词辨析。wake up 醒来;give up 放弃;look up 查找;make up 编造。because“因为”,表原因,根据Theyll succeed in working out the problem可知A、C、D三项意思都不合句意,故选B。
  4. Dont forget to ______ the lights when they are not in use!
   A. turn over               B. turn off
   C. turn up                   D. turn on
  【解析】 句意“当你不使用灯时,不要忘记关掉它们”。turn over 移交;turn off 关闭;turn up 出现;turn on 打开。根据句意可知,不用灯时要关灯,故选B。
  【拓展】 与turn有关的短语:turn down 调低(音量等);turn up 调高(音量等);turn off 关闭;turn on 打开;turn around 转身;turn over 翻转;turn left 左转;turn right 右转;turn out 结果是
  5. Those young firemen were brave enough to ______ the fire in the forest.
   A. work out                B. put out
   C. hand out                D. look out
  【解析】 句意:那些年轻的消防队员足够勇敢地扑灭了森林中的大火。work out 解出,算出;put out 熄灭;hand out 上交;look out 小心。根据句意可知是扑灭大火。故选B。
  1. The English Speech Competition ______ the best in her. As a result, she is more active now.
   A. checked out          B. tried out
   C. left out                   D. brought out
  2. Would you please ______ the light? I cant sleep well with it on.
   A. turn on                   B. turn off
   C. turn to          D. turn around
  3. All the members decided to ______ the money from the book sale to homeless people.
   A. give up                   B. give away
   C. take up                  D. take away
  4. Miss Lee likes ______. She tells everyone that she has got a new car.
   A. coming out           B. showing off
   C. turning out           D. taking off
  5. On the first day of Chinese New Year, we ______ new clothes and visit people.
   A. pick up              B. put on
   C. take off         D. throw away
字母組合ck在所有单词中读/k/,无论是在词中还是词尾。  Can you find these words in the grid? They have been written forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards and diagonally, but always in a straight line. You can use letters in
1. treasure n. 财宝,财富  treasure在泛指珍宝时,是不可数名词;具体指某件宝物时,是可数名词。  They are going to the deep forest to find the buried treasure. 他们要去深林寻找被埋葬的珍宝。  This museum has many art treasures. 这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术珍品。  2. isl
一、现在完成时考点分析  现在完成时是考试中的一个重要语法点,主要考查它的含义、结构、时间状语、短暂性动词和延续性动词的用法。考查点在题型上主要有单项选择、句型转换、翻译句子等。  二、现在完成时的构成  三、规则动词过去式、过去分词的构成  四、现在完成时的用法  五、现在完成时的时间状语  1. 常与现在完成时连用的状语:before 以前,ever 曾经,until 刚刚,never 从不,
I'll get back soon. 我馬上就回来。  用于一般场合,如会议中、餐桌上或电影院里,若有急事或只是想去厕所,必须离开一会,则可使用本句。get back表示“回来”之意。  Are you going out, Jack? 你要出去吗,杰克?  I'll get back soon. I just need to mail this package. 我马上就回来。我只是要去寄这个
1. somewhere adv. 在某处; 到某处  I want to go somewhere warm. 我想去一个温暖的地方。  【辨析】 somewhere, anywhere, nowhere  somewhere意为“一些地方”,常用于肯定句中;anywhere意为“任何地方”,常用在疑问句或否定句中;nowhere意为“没有地方”,本身具有否定含义。  I've got a fe
Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who was born in the nineteenth
What would you do if you felt anxious (焦虑的)? Would you feel better if someone else could share his or her experiences with you? In the United States, two teenage girls set up a mental health camp call
1. Knowledge is power, that knowledge is safety, that knowledge is happiness.  —Thomas Jefferson  知识就是力量,知识就是安全,知识就是幸福。  ——杰斐逊  2. There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen, and in
一、单项选择。  1. The English dictionary is an important ____. It can help us learn English better.  A. tool B. promise C. talent D. information  2. I ____ an invitation to the concert. I can't wait to go.
最近,《考试与评价》的编辑们接到许多咨询有关英语发音问题的电话。  来自连云港的王永杰同学打来电话,他说自己的英語语音很不准,一回答问题同学们就笑。每次遇到这种情况,自己都觉得非常尴尬,他问如何才能读准英语的发音。  要想学好英语,正确的英语读音非常重要。它就像一个门面,装点着学习者的语言形象。语音的准确与否和单词的拼写、词义的理解、思想的表达,甚至语法都有紧密的关系。一个人如果语音不准,不仅自己