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监理月报是监理工程师定期向业主提交的月度工作报告。是施工阶段监理的主要工作方法和业主与监理之间联系的纽带。业主可以通过监理月报了解工程建设的质量、进度和监理在现场工作的实绩。另外,监理单位也可以通过监理月报掌握派驻现场监理人员的工作深度和监理状况等,从而加强对现场监理人员的管理。不少人认为监理月报不就简单地写写一个月监理工作的总结,不必大做文章。但由于认识的不同和监理工作深度不同,据了解不少监理月报并不能真正反映监理工作情况。有总结才有提高,写好监理月服,及时发现总结监理工作和工程建设中的不足之处,对提高监理水平,保证工程建设顺利进行十分必要。 The monthly supervision report is a monthly work report submitted by the supervision engineer to the owner on a regular basis. It is the main working method of supervision during the construction phase and the link between the owner and the supervisor. Owners can learn about the quality of the project construction, the progress, and the actual performance of the supervisor on the site through the monthly supervision report. In addition, the supervision unit can also monitor the work depth and supervision status of the supervision personnel stationed at the site through the supervision monthly report, so as to strengthen the management of the site supervision personnel. Many people believe that the monthly supervision report does not simply write a month-long summary of supervision work, and it is not necessary to make a fuss. However, due to the difference in understanding and the depth of supervision work, it is understood that many monthly supervision reports do not really reflect the supervision work. Only after summarizing can we improve, write monthly supervision services, and timely find out the inadequacies in the supervision work and project construction. It is necessary to improve the supervision level and ensure the smooth construction of the project.
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