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先说三个小故事故事一院某男,年届三十五,本科学历。近来,他在应聘一家银行的信用卡推销工作时受挫。追问人事主管,为什么连推销信用卡这份活都不接受他了?人事主管是位中年妇女,眼皮都不抬地回答说:“年纪这么大了还来搞推销,忒没出息了吧。”此男憋了一通红脸,放眼望去,排排来面试的竟都是一张张稚嫩的面孔。 Let’s talk about three stories of a small story A man of a hospital, year thirty-five, bachelor degree. Recently he was frustrated when applying for a bank credit card marketing job. Asked the personnel manager, why even the credit card sales do not live with him? Personnel director is a middle-aged woman, eyelid did not lift to answer: “age is still so big to engage in marketing, Intuit did not get it.” "This male hold a red face, looking ahead, arranged for the interview are actually a piece of immature faces.
AIM: To investigate the effect and the possible mechanism of ginsenoside Rb1 on small intestinal smooth muscle motility in mice. METHODS: Intestinal smooth musc
在世界艺术之都的法国巴黎,近年来又出现了一块舞蹈新天地,这就是坐落在东北郊邦旦(Pantin)地区的法国国家舞蹈中心(le Centre National de la Dance)。这是一座外貌朴素而硕
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如果加工中心实现了高速、高精度的切削,就可实现模具的免精修。在高速、高精度切削中,切削工具的选择和使用技术当然是很重要的。 If the machining center to achieve hi
Background Tumor necrosis factor a (TNFα) is an important proinflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (