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  一、Emergence and Development of Credit Card
  1.Emergence of Credit Card
  Credit cards originated in the United States in 1915.At that time,in order to increase sales,solicit business and convenience their customers,a number of shops and catering trade created a credit chip.Let’s look at the development of United Stated credit card.The first widely accepted plastic charge card was issued in 1958 by American Express.The first general — use credit card that allowed balances to be paid over time was the BankAmericard,issued in 1959.How did MasterCard appear? In 1966,a number of banks formed the Interbank Card Association.In1969,the Interbank Card Association bought the rights to use “Master Charge” from the California Bank Association (Lin Gongshi 45).It was renamed MasterCard in 1979.Bank of traditional manual operation simply could not support the comprehensive development of the credit card business.Until the 1960s,IBM computer launched into commercial market.Bank credit card industry was the first to jump the express train of information technology.Citibank is the one of the outstanding representatives.From the middle of the 1990s,the application of the Internet began to spread.Internet not only changed the relationship between the credit card companies and consumers,but also changed all aspects of the credit card system,including management concepts,business processes and operating methods.Thanks to the Internet’s fast speed,large capacity,and low cost,credit card system can be run on the Internet,particularly in the undeveloped countries and regions.What’s more,they can use the Internet to establish a new credit card system network.
  2.Development of Credit Card
  With the rapid development of credit cards in today’s world,developed and developing countries are popularizing the credit card.In 1960s,credit cards,not only in the United States,but in the United Kingdom,Japan,Canada and European countries,were also catching on.From the beginning of 1970s,numbers of developing countries and regions began to issue the credit card business.After several decades of development,it has become an important means of customer service in modern banking.And it has become a widely used method of payment.There are three aspects of conditions for credit card use and promotion.Firstly,people’s income and consumption levels are increasing.The important is the average income level of residents exceeding the level of the purchase of necessities.In this condition,the use of credit cards will become an inevitable choice for consumers.Secondly,urbanization process and the characteristics of modern city are significant.Thirdly,it has established a credit system (Lin Gongshi 6).Certainly,it has provided favorable conditions for the development of large-scale consumer credit.
  二、Characteristics of U.S.Credit Card Industry
  Until the late 1950s,the banks began to have a credit card business.The first widely accepted plastic charge card was issued in 1958 by American Express.Subsequently,the entire banking sector fully entered the credit card age.In 1960s,the main problem of bank credit card business of expanding was how to develop a large cardholder base.At that time,the method was chosen for a large number of active credit cards by mail without application.Although it brought losses,it could not be denied that the number of cardholder did effectively increase.To our please,it achieved the original effect we had expected.In 1970,the growth of bank credit card business reached a new high without precedence.On the other hand,another problem hindering the development of bank cards was the lack of national network.In 1966,Bank of America took a step forward,issuing business license of US Silver and forming a national bank credit card system.The move prompted the other major banks and the composition of the second match with the national credit card system.Since then,the Bank Interbank and NBI formed the two national networks,basically solving the network obstacles of bank card development.The two systems developed into Master card system and VISA card system.After 1990s,VISA Card,Master Card and American Express Card covered almost all regions and industries.The U.S.credit card industry has good social,economic and cultural foundation.Scale,network,centralization and diversity coexist.And it is a fully market-oriented operating system.Government attaches importance to protecting the interests of consumers(Lin Gongshi 65).
  三、Analysis of U.S.Credit Card
  1.Comparison of Size
  Since 2005,the number of credit cards in the U.S.is about 550 million,about 0.2 million in China.From the average overdraft balance of the credit card terms,in 2005,the average overdraft balance in the U.S.was 6056,6 million U.S.dollars,and only about 95 billion in China.That is,excluding the impact of card volume,the average overdraft balance of the United States is 182 times that of China.This shows that the size of China and the United States credit card is not the biggest difference in the issuance volume,but the average overdraft balance scale.
  2.Comparison of Operating and Marketing Costs
  Operating and marketing costs can be divided into changes in operating costs and fixed operating costs of marketing.Now Chinese banks have no marketing costs and fixed operating statistics,so we don’t know how much this part of the cost is in the end.It has very large gap with the United States.Although our operating and marketing costs at this stage is a major factor in credit card profits,the economies of scale of credit characteristics determine the costs are very large and difficult to lower early in the operation.Commercial bank can not be achieved by changing its credit card profits.To reduce the use and marketing costs on the profitability of credit card,the only way is to increase the size of the average overdraft balance.
  四、How to Improve China’s Credit Risk Management
  We should learn from the experience of the United States when combining our actual situation.We can construct Personal Credit System.A scientific credit hours model can be designed to predict the likelihood of consumers to repay loans.The model must be open and transparent.This will not only facilitate the public survey and validate their accuracy and fairness,but also regulate their own credit scoring model behavior.I t helps to develop a law-abiding and trustworthy behavior.
  [2]http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/credit-card-industry-facts-personal-debt-statistics-1276.php Card ownership.
  Development of China Credit Card Industry through U.S.Credit Crisis
  GAO Miao-yong
  (Foreign Languages School of Jimei University,Xiamen361021,China)
  Abstract:As is known to all,under the influence of the economic crisis,U.S.credit card showed a serious crisis.The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis spread to other countries and regions.It has had a great impact on our local credit card industry.In order to provide some enlightenments for China credit card industry,as well as help it out of the crisis,this thesis introduces the situation of US credit market,from which we can explore the development of our country’s credit situation and propose preventive measures.It is important for China banking to develop modern risk measurement models and methods.
  Key words:economic crisis;credit card industry;America;modern risk management measures and methods
  [责任编辑 陈丽敏]
目前,招行已成为证券化试点重启以来个人住房按揭贷款资产支持证券(RMBS)发行规模最大的商业银行,累计发行72亿元,占据细分市场约33%的份额。  9月21日,招行“和家”2015年第一期个人住房按揭贷款资产支持证券(RMBS)在银行间债券市场成功发行。这是继今年3月成功发行备案制下首单个人住房按揭贷款资产支持证券(RMBS)之后,招行在个人住房按揭贷款资产支持证券(RMBS)领域的又一力作。  
【摘要】计算机多媒体教学已经逐步取代了以往的传统的教学模式,现在我们通常所说的多媒体教学即指运用多媒体计算机并借助于预先制作的多媒体教学软件或课件来开展的教学活动过程。多媒体环境下的课堂教学是集文本、声音、图像于一体的立体式教学方式,为大学英语课堂教学创设了一个全新的、优化的语言教学环境。本文着重探讨多媒体在大学英语课堂教学中所起的作用。  【关键词】多媒体;大学英语教学模式;优势;弊端  【中图
如今,楼市淡旺季的区分已经开始模糊,并不见得旺季市场就热闹,反之,淡季市场也不见得就冷清。  国庆节长假过后,回归工作岗位的第一刻,随手翻过一页日历,九月已成昨天……蓦然回首,这个过往楼市商家必争之期的“金九”,又上演了怎样的剧情呢?  2015年,全国范围内,房地产市场出现不同程度的回暖,这也在某种程度上加重了人们对“金九”的预期,市场普遍对于传统旺季“金九”抱有很大希望。  但是,在全国楼市分