
来源 :云南地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijun3541
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本文根据评价该铜矿床所积累的资料,论述了矿带的和矿床的地质特征,对成矿地质条件和控矿因素也作了初步的分析探讨。矿床所处构造可视为一单斜(复背斜的东翼),走向北西——南东,倾向北东。本区斑岩铜矿成矿时代属印支期,矿带和矿床严格受深断裂和褶皱断裂带的控制。矿体主要赋存在石英闪长玢岩及石英二长岩中,侵入的围岩是上三叠统雪鸡坪组,围岩的岩性以砂板岩、安山岩为主。蚀变作用较弱,但仍能区别出三个蚀变带,由内向外为:钾化带、石英——绢云母化带、绢云母——碳酸盐化带,而以石英化与铜矿化关系最密切,钾化、碳酸盐化次之。石英化是多期次的,形成三个铜矿化期。矿体分布在蚀变中心部位,岩浆及热液的多期次,造成矿化的迭加。虽然该矿床铜平均品位较低,但当三期矿化迭加或出现强烈石英化时,可形成富矿段。铜矿物主要为黄铜矿,矿石为细脉浸染型。 Based on the evaluation of the accumulated information of the copper deposit, this paper discusses the geological features of the ore belt and the ore deposit, and also makes a preliminary analysis of the geological conditions and ore-controlling factors. The structure of the deposit can be regarded as a monoclinic (east anticline) east to northwest - southeast and northeast. The porphyry copper deposits in this area belong to the Indosinian period, and the ore belts and deposits are strictly controlled by deep faults and fold faults. The orebodies are mainly found in quartz diorite and quartz monzogranite. The intrusive surrounding rock is the Upper Triassic Xuejibing Formation. The lithology of the surrounding rock is dominated by sand slate and andesite. Alteration is weaker, but three alteration zones can still be distinguished, from inside to outside: potassic zone, quartz-sericite zone and sericite-carbonate zone, while quartz and copper Mineralization is most closely related to potassium, followed by carbonate. Quartz is multi-phase, forming three copper mineralization period. Ore distribution in the alteration center, magmatic and hydrothermal multi-phase, resulting in superposition of mineralization. Although the average grade of copper in the deposit is relatively low, the enrichment section can be formed when the third stage of mineralization is superimposed or strong quartzization occurs. The main copper minerals are chalcopyrite, and the ore is veinlet type.
【正】 (一) 日本帝国主义发动“九一八”事变,占领我国东北之后,在经济上自始就明确提出,实行“统制”政策,“不能放任自流,置于国家的统制之下”,“实行计划经济下的统制”