Design and Manufacture of GeSi/Si Superlattice Nanocrystalline Photodetector

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaokfq
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According to Maxwell’s theory, the optical transmission characteristics in GeSi/Si superlattice nanocrystalline layer have been analyzed and calculated. The calculated result shows that when the total thickness L is 340nm, the single mode lightwave can be transmitted only at periodic number M≥15.5. In addition, at the direction of transmission, when the transmission distance is larger than 500μm, the lightwave intensity is decreased greatly. Based on the above parameters, the design and manufacture of GeSi/Si superlattice nanocrystalline photodetector are carried out. According to Maxwell’s theory, the optical transmission characteristics in GeSi / Si superlattice nanocrystalline layer have been analyzed and calculated. The calculated result shows that when the total thickness L is 340 nm, the single mode lightwave can be transmitted only at periodic number M ≧ Based on the above parameters, the design and manufacture of GeSi / Si superlattice nanocrystalline photodetector are carried out.
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刀具结构如图1、2所示。刀具特点(1)能切削硬质合金无法加工的又韧又硬的各种HRC 62~70淬火钢、轴承钢、5F6、GR2、GR3和钛合金等。在某种意义上能代替磨削加工,加工光洁度可
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