
来源 :现代中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luffyzl
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近年来,一些医务人员在“靠山吃山,靠水吃水,靠病人吃病人”的错误思想影响下,凭借手中的特殊权力,经常利用住院病人的资金帐号,为自己或亲属“搭车”取药,“搭车检查,谋取私利”这种做法,不仅增加了病人的经济负担,加大了公费医疗的开支,而且玷污了白衣天使的形象,损害了社会主义医院的声誉,广大群众对此意见很大。为了纠正这一行业不正之风,廊坊市中医院自1995年10月开始实行了双处方,双记帐制度,收到明显的效果。 所谓双处方,双记帐,就是每位住院病人每次用药时,先由医生复写两张处方,即双处方,再交由护士携带住院病人信誉卡经药房划价后到住院部记帐。住院部首先把药费入记病人的底帐上,而后再记入住院病人的信誉卡上,即双记帐,然后护士拿着一张处方到药房为病人取药,另一张处方带回交给病人保 In recent years, some medical personnel have used the special power of their hands to “take a mountain, eat water from water, and eat patients with their patients” under the influence of the wrong thinking. They often use their inpatient patient’s fund account to “get a ride” for themselves or their relatives. The practice of “piggybacking and checking for personal gain” not only increased the economic burden on patients, but also increased public expenditure on medical expenses. It also tarnished the image of White Angels and damaged the reputation of socialist hospitals. . In order to correct this unhealthy trend in the industry, Langfang City Chinese Medicine Hospital has implemented a dual-prescription and double-accounting system since October 1995, and has received significant results. The so-called dual-prescription, double-accounting means that each time an in-patient patient uses drugs, the doctor first writes out two prescriptions, that is, dual-prescriptions, and then passes the nurse’s inpatient credit card to the inpatient department for debiting. The inpatient department first records the drug charge on the patient’s bottom account, and then records the hospital’s credit card, which is double bookkeeping. The nurse then takes a prescription to the pharmacy to take the patient’s medicine, and another prescription takes it back. Give it to the patient
Objective:The aim of the study was to explore the effect of STAT5 silenced by siRNA on proliferation,apoptosis and invasion of esophageal carcinoma cell line EC
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世界卫生组织近期建议在全球控制疯牛病,并提出了具体措施。 1、任何牲畜的组织脏器和其制品若表现有可传染性海绵状脑病的体征,就不得进入人或动物的食物链,特别要注意以下
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