
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loakl
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为研究水化学环境对湛江组黏土结构强度的影响,收集湛江地区地下水水文地质资料,并通过钻孔取水进行化学分析,分析该区地下水的化学环境与影响因素;利用离心过滤法提取土中水溶液,调查土中溶液的化学成分与特性;在此基础上,采用选择溶解法去除土中胶结物质,利用扫描电子显微镜与能谱分析,对比分析去除胶结物质前后的微观结构变化。研究表明:湛江地区的地下水与湛江组黏土中水溶液的化学构成与比例含量基本一致,水化学类型为Cl-Na型,表现出偏酸性与富含铁离子的特征,水中大量的铁为土颗粒的联结提供了胶结物质,酸性环境促使游离氧化铁产生胶结效果进而提高土的结构强度。最后,提出了考虑地下水环境影响的湛江组黏土结构强度的形成机理,研究表明湛江组黏土较强的结构性源于开放式的絮凝结构加上颗粒间的强胶结作用。 In order to study the influence of water chemistry environment on the structural strength of Zhanjiang clay, the groundwater hydrogeological data of Zhanjiang were collected and chemical analysis was conducted by drilling water intake to analyze the chemical environment and influencing factors of groundwater in this area. , To investigate the chemical composition and characteristics of the solution in the soil. On this basis, the selective dissolution method was used to remove the cement in the soil. The changes of microstructure before and after removal of the cement were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. The results show that the chemical composition and proportion of the groundwater in Zhanjiang and Zhanjiang clay are basically the same, the hydrochemistry type is Cl-Na, showing the characteristics of partial acidity and iron-rich ions. A large amount of iron in the water is soil particles Of the bond provides a cementitious material, acidic environment to promote free iron oxide to produce cementing effect and thus improve the structural strength of soil. Finally, the formation mechanism of clay structure in Zhanjiang Formation considering the influence of groundwater environment is proposed. The results show that the strong structure of clay in Zhanjiang Formation is due to the open flocculation structure plus strong cementation between particles.
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