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“速度”作为现代企业思想和行为的指导,在管理上要求提高管理效率,在市场上要求以速度抢市场,在快速变动的商业环境中提供企业员工最快速的反应机制,虚拟使现代企业向走向扁平和网络化,和谐是现代科学技术迅猛发展的必然反映,是实现企业可持续发展的必然选择,现代企业决策的科学性主要体现在决策过程的理性化和决策方法的科学化上。也就是说在决策过程中,要按照一定的科学决策过程,运用科学决策方法进行决策。要提高决策的正确性,关键在于使整个的决策过程基于群体信息,组织的基本任务是塑造员工行为,建立员工主动创新、合作和学习的企业环境,这种新管理哲学更真实地体现了人本管理的宗旨,可以适应知识经济时代人本管理的要求,实现人本管理对企业科学决策有着决定性作用,调动全体员工的积极性,提出问题,确定科学决策目标,企业应调动全体员工的积极性,提出问题,确定科学决策目标,使得员工广泛参与拟定可行方案,从全体员工的利益出发对方案进行评价和优选。 As the guidance of modern enterprise’s thought and behavior, “speed” is required to improve the management efficiency in the management. It requires that the market should grab the market at a speed and provide the fastest response mechanism of employees in a rapidly changing business environment. Harmony is the inevitable reflection of the rapid development of modern science and technology and the inevitable choice for the sustainable development of enterprises. The scientific decision-making of modern enterprises is mainly embodied in the rationalization of decision-making process and the scientificization of decision-making methods . In other words, in the process of decision-making, we must make decisions according to certain scientific decision-making processes and using scientific decision-making methods. The key to improving the decision-making is to base the whole decision-making process on group information. The basic task of the organization is to shape employee behavior and establish a business environment in which employees initiatively innovate, cooperate and learn. This new management philosophy more truly reflects the people The purpose of this management can be adapted to people-oriented management in the era of knowledge-based economy. Human-based management plays a decisive role in making scientific decisions in enterprises, arousing the enthusiasm of all employees, raising questions, identifying scientific goals, and motivating them to mobilize all employees. Ask questions, determine the scientific decision-making goals, enable employees to participate extensively in the formulation of a viable plan, and evaluate and optimize the plan based on the interests of all employees.
日前,索尼在国内正式发布了几款全新的高清AVCHD家用摄像机,其中HDR- SR5E/SR7E/SR8E都采用了常见的硬盘作为存储介质,而打着全球最小的1080i高清摄像机名号的HDR-CX7E则独特
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国外有位经济学家曾经在投资者中做过一个有趣的调研,他给出了赚钱的两个方案:方案A是100%赚3000元;方案B是80%可能赚4000元,20%可能不赚钱。之后,这位经济学家又给出两个亏损的方案;方案C是100%损失3000元;方案D是80%可能损失4000元,20%可能损失为0。他让众多的投资者做选择。    心理影响决策    从概率论的角度看,赚钱的第一个方案的期望收益是3000元,而第二个方
[要点透视] 1.弱电解质的判断方法(1)在相同浓度、相同温度下,与强电解质做导电性对比实验。(2)在相同浓度、相同温度下,比较反应速率的快慢。如将Zn粒投入到等浓度的盐酸和