
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytli1981
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《中华人民共和国价格管理条例》规定:物价部门应当根据国家的有关方针、政策,对行政、事业性收费进行管理和监督,并核定其收费标准。但是,由于现行的行政、事业性收费原则如“管理的事实和服务的行为”、“取之有度,用之得当”、“取之于哪,用之于哪”等政策界限不明确,使得清理整顿工作难以深入,有些确属不合理的收费在收费“许可证”的保护下合法化。事态的发展将清理整顿工作由解决是否收费合理,取之有度,推到了为什么要收费,什么人能收费这一根本问题的高度。如果对这一问题不能有个较完整的阐述,不仅清理整顿工作将流于形式,而且,将直接影响到今后收费工作的开展和发展方向。本文试图对行政、事业性收费问题作个粗浅的探讨,以期抛砖引玉。 The “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Price Management” stipulate that the price department shall manage and supervise the administrative and business charges in accordance with the relevant guidelines and policies of the state and verify the charges. However, due to the current principles of administrative and commercial fees such as “management of facts and service behavior”, “proper use of” The policy boundary is not clear, making it difficult to clean up the rectification work, and some charges that are indeed unreasonable are legitimately protected under the charge “permit ”. The development of the situation will clear up the rectification work by solving the problem of whether the charges are reasonable and reasonable, and pushing the height of the fundamental issue of why charging and what people can charge. If we can not have a more complete explanation of this issue, not only will the clean-up and rectification work be formalized, but also it will directly affect the development and orientation of toll collection in the future. This article tries to make a brief discussion on the issue of administration and business fees in order to start a discussion.
近来为了弥补化学杀虫剂的缺陷,在化学杀虫剂使用有困难或受限制的场合,特别是对综合防治有效的微生物害虫防治技术正在进行重新评价。笔者原是蚕病防治研究的人员。 Recen
瑞毒霉和乙磷铝能防治由疫霉(Phytophthora parasitica)和樟疫霉(P.cinnamomi)所致的菠萝心腐病及樟疫霉所致的菠萝根腐病。植前用浓度为600ppm的瑞毒霉和1200ppm的乙磷铝浸
蜘蛛是棉花害虫的重要天敌类群,具有分布广、种类多、数量大、捕食力与抗逆性强等特点。现将1980—1983年在山东菏泽研究的结果,简报如下: Spiders are important natural