
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiucanyu0532
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番茄溃疡病是我省1990年确定的检疫对象,其寄主种类很多,除为害番茄外,还侵染辣椒、龙葵和其它的茄科植物47种。番茄溃疡病是一种细菌性维管束病害,病源自伤口侵入,叶片的毛状体也是侵染的通道,借修剪或土壤中损伤的根蔓延。种子内外层都可带菌,形成远距离传播,一般种传率为1—5%,从病果上采收的种子,大田检验,种传率可达53.4%。据试验,土壤中或病残组织的病原菌,至少存活2—3年。病株从幼苗到座果盛期都可以发生萎蔫和死亡。大田定植后造成缺株断垄,为害十分严重。 Tomato canker disease is the province in 1990 to determine the quarantine object, many of its host variety, in addition to the damage of tomatoes, but also inoculation of pepper, Solanum nigrum and other 47 kinds of Solanaceae. Tomato canker disease is a bacterial vascular bundle disease that comes from a wound invaded and the trichomes of the leaves also act as a channel of infection that can be spread by pruning or damaged roots in the soil. Seeds can be carried inside and outside the layer, the formation of long-distance transmission, the general seed transmission rate of 1-5%, collected from the sick fruits on the seeds, field testing, seed transmission rate up to 53.4%. According to the test, the pathogen in the soil or diseased tissue will survive for at least 2-3 years. The diseased plants can wilt and die from the seedling to the fruit-bearing stage. After the field planting caused by lack of strains broken ridge, the damage is very serious.
[方法] 用大容量的大气采样器在东京市中心(高1.5 m;流量1.5 m~8/分;用玻璃纤维滤膜)采集飘尘16小时后,将滤膜称重、剪碎、在40~50℃下用甲醇浸提2小时、过滤、40℃下减压浓