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我亲爱的小外甥,你知道吗?世界上最幸福的人是拥有真爱的人,最幸福的孩子是那拥有春风、温泉般(“温泉”比喻不确切,去掉)母爱的孩子。你何尝不是最幸福的呢? 你妈妈远嫁时,小舅我正读高三,我们相聚之日屈指可数。只是去年冬天才小聚两日。(这句话表达有歧义,让人误解为“你妈妈”改嫁了,从下文看,其实不是。宜改为“我们两家相距很远,舅甥见面不易。去年寒假,我到你家去玩。”)你却得了感冒。你生病的日子里,我对母爱有了更深切的体会。那是腊月二十五的夜里,到处都如浓墨泼过了似的,伸手不见五指,朔风野大,万物狼叫(机械套用袁枚《祭妹文》中的话,不贴切,嫌生硬,改为“北风劲吹”表达平实些)。人们都躲在温暖的 My dear little nephew, do you know that the happiest person in the world is a person who has true love, and the happiest child is a child who has a spring breeze and a spa-like (“spa” metaphor is not exact, removed) motherly love. Why are you not the happiest? When your mother marries, Xiao Xie is studying in my third year and we can only count on the day we meet. It was only two days before last winter. (This sentence expresses ambiguity and misunderstood as “your mother” remarried. From the following point of view, it is not. It should be changed to “We are very far apart and it is not easy to meet. Last winter vacation, I went to your house.” Play.“) You got a cold. In your sick days, I had a deeper understanding of maternal love. It was on the night of the 25th of the twelfth lunar month. Everywhere it was like a thick ink splash, no hand was reached, the wind was wild, and the wolf of all things (mechanism applied the words of Yuan Mei’s ”Come on Memories“). It was not appropriate, and it was too harsh to change it. For the ”northern breeze blowing" to speak more plain). People are hiding in the warm
6月3日,湖北省十大杰出青年、星火带头人张福荣专程赴钟祥市档案局(馆),将代表自己多年来获得的荣誉的实物档案捐赠给市档案馆,以配合该馆创建钟祥市爱国主义教育基地。 On
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